GLOBAL FIND Version 1.1 ======================= The Global Find Utility can find files on any of the disks of your Psion Series 5 based on a number of tests. * Search for partial file name - eg: *.app. * Search by path - eg: files under C:\Documents. * Search for file type - eg: Word documents. * Search for a string contained in the file. * A scolling list of results is displayed. * Files may be opened (or switched to if the file is already open) by pressing Enter. * Individual file sizes and total size may be displayed. * File types may be displayed. * Searching again may replace or add to the list. The program is FreeWare. Copy as you like, but no charge or fee may be made for this program. Changes From Version 1.0 ======================== + Individual and total file sizes shown + Resizeable main window & zoom to full screen + Sorting by name, application or size + Resizeable size and application columns + Add to list option + Settings saved in an INI file + 'All disks except ROM' option + Open unopened files, switch to open ones. + 4096 files limit removed. Now limited only by memory. - Help database removed. Does anyone read them? Installation ============ If you are upgrading from version 1.0, then you should first delete all files in \System\Apps\Find\ Copy the following files to the \System\Apps\Find directory. Find.aif VWin.opo Notes ===== Find will save it's settings in an initialisation file C:\System\Apps\Find\Find.ini Open files (In Use) cannot be searched for strings, and will be silently skipped. The Size and Application columns may be resized by dragging the dividing line in the header. If you select the 'Names only' option, then you cannot search for a string or a file type. Sizes and applications will not be shown. Sort by filename, size, or filetype by tapping the relevant header. Tapping the header again will reverse the sort order. Enjoy :-)