HHREADME.TXT for Psion series 5 version of Haunted House v.3.02 Nov 1997 HAUNTED HOUSE ... ... is an 'adventure' game written for and tested on the Psion Series 3a palmtop. The actual S5 version was produced by simply converting and adjusting the source code. It is not fully adapted to the S5. So there is no advanced pen support etc. INSTALLATION Haunted House comes as a ZIP file. If unzipped you'll find HH1.APP HH1.AIF HH.MBM MASK.MBM OBJECTS.MBM HHLIES!.TXT (German readme) HHREADME.TXT (this document) You have to put the files on your Psion this way (ask Psion manual for help): Generate a folder HH1 in C:\SYSTEM\APPS\. Copy all files to the new folder (no need to do this with the *.TXT files). This automatically generates an icon in the EXTRAs bar. Start game from here. DEINSTALLATION Quit the game regularily. Delete complete folder HH1. It is as simple as that. PLAYING Haunted House All information you need is in the game. Start the game and read help texts using CTRL-h. Then try out the MENU key. A hint: try to act naturally, the puzzles are not that absurd. REGISTRATION This program is shareware but *fully functioning* in every way. There are no 'nag screens'. Haunted House is not free, neither is it Public Domain software. If you enjoy playing the game you are asked to support the idea of shareware. I made it extremely cheap and easy for you: put two one-US-$ bills (or European equivalent as a one Brit. Pound note or a 5 DeutschMarks note) in an envelope and send it to my postal address. Please leave your email address for response. LEGAL STUFF This software is supplied "as is". While appropriate care has been taken in the creation of Haunted House, the author does not warrant that the software is error free. The author disclaims all and any warranties relating to the software. Under no circumstances the author shall be liable for consequential, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising from the use of this software. Haunted House is copyright material of the author and all ownership rights are retained. You may not modify this program package in any way. The software may be freely distributed providing all files in the package are included. SUPPORT Please report any bugs immediately by e-mail only to krinzner@compuserve.com (or identically to: 100414.661@compuserve.com) Suggestions are welcome. But there's no guarantee that they find their way into the game. Feel free to ask your questions. I'll try to do my very best to answer immediately. POSTAL ADDRESS Ulrich Krinzner Ziolkowskistr. 30 D-14480 Potsdam Germany