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Leisure - Lottery/Gambling
Thunderball lottery checker (Thanks to Derek Joinson)
This sheet allows you to check a set of Thunderball lottery numbers. "Thunderball" is the latest UK national lottery game.
Enter your ticket nos in the ticket blocks and the draw nos in the cells at the top of the sheet. The results are shown in the column to the right of your ticket nos. In the S5 sheet, winning lines are shown in UPPER CASE, with colour shading used instead in the Excel version. To add more ticket blocks, just copy the last ticket block to directly underneath itself, leaving one blank row separating them. (Added 19 Oct 1999)

thunball.s5 (23k)

thunball.xls (106k)
Lottery profit checker (Thanks to David Ruhm)
A time saver and a good argument as to why not to play the lottery! 8-) Now with a 'budget' feature that warns you when you're losing more than planned.(Updated 20 Sep 99)

lotprof.spr (1k)

lotprof.s5 (41k)
Betting calculator (Thanks to Mick Simcock)
A spreadsheet to calculate horse bets, handling full cover up to 5 selections. (Added 2nd August 1999)

settler.s5 (7k)

settler.xls (9k)
Lottery 'wheel' (Thanks to David Ruhm)
This spreadsheet gives you the possibility to 'wheel' 8 or 11 numbers based on the wheeling principles of mathematician Dimitrov. It generates 2 slips, one with 5 and one with 4 boards

lotwheel.s5 (14k)
Australian/International Lotto checker(Thanks to Andrew Hetherington)
Designed for the Australian Lotto, with 4 lines minimum and two bonus balls. Possibly adaptable to other international lotteries

lotto.s5 (5k)
UK National Lottery Checker (Thanks to: Derek Joinson)
Read the original Series 5 sheet documentation in text or Series 5 Word format. Or read the Excel sheet documentation here as ReadMeXLS.txt.

UKLotChk.s5 (18k)

UKLotChk.xls (53k)
International Lottery Checker (Thanks to: Derek Joinson)

IntLotCk102.s5 (24k)

IntLotCk.xls (91k)

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