******************************************** * P5CADv4 - 30 September 1998 * ******************************************** The Technical Drawing Program For The Series 5 Please see below for information on installation and launching P5CADv4. This release expires on the 31st December 1998. New features will be added in the future. Please register the program to ensure development continues. The registration fee is 15 Pounds Sterling or 25 U.S. Dollars. Email the author at andrew@duffy.force9.net for details. I know some people will try to ‘reverse engineer’ this program. Please don’t. *************************************** * Installing P5CADv4 * *************************************** Note : Ensure the all P5CADv4 files replace older versions of the files 1) Copy the files from the zip file to the ROOT of Drive C: of your Psion Series 5 2) Click on the 'Install.opo' file to start installation. Select the installation drive at the prompt and the program will be automatically installed to the selected drive 3) Finally delete the 'Install.opo' file from the root of C: of your Psion Series 5 4) Use the 'Extras' bar to launch P5CADv4 Webpage at www.duffy.force9.co.uk Email andrew@duffy.force9.net (c) 1998 A J Duffield Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders. This program is used at the users own risk and the author cannot be held responsable for any matter arising from the program operation. Stop Press ---------- Due to the addition of the 'Help' menu and 'Help' system at a very late stage, the screenshots do not show Help on the pull down menu.