Galileo 1.0 for the Psion Series 5 ================================== Galileo plots the positions of the Galilean moons of Jupiter, given the date and time of observation. The moons can be shown as they would appear through binoculars (and the naked eye if you're Superman!) or through an astronomical telescope (east/west reversed). It uses a simplified algorithm that only calculates the east/west positions of the moons - it was really written so I could check I was seeing what I thought I was seeing through my oh so wonderful Tasco binoculars... Installation ------------ Unzip the archive, and place the two files and galileo.aif into the directory \System\Apps\Galileo. The program should work when installed either on the internal RAM drive or a Compact Flash card, although as I haven't got one I can't confirm that. Galileo should now appear on your Extras bar (no flashy icon I'm afraid, at least not yet). Usage ----- Run Galileo, and it will ask you for the date and time of the observation. Input the time as local time and the number of hours your time zone is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. Finally select whether you want a binocular or telescope view, and press Enter or select the OK button. Galileo will then plot the positions of the four moons, both in plan view and the view you would have from Earth. Press any key to return to the entry dialog, from where you can have another go or press Escape to exit. Ob. disclaimer -------------- I have done my best to ensure that Galileo works and I can't imagine it trashing your machine, but don't blame me if spooky things happen after you install it. It's probably the pixies... Galileo is freeware, copyright Andrew Hedges 1997. If you have any comments, suggestions etc. feel free to drop me a line at (though I can't promise to answer everything). History ------- The original program was published in Sky and Telescope magazine in June 1989 for the Apple II (!!!), ported to QBasic by Dan Bruton ( for his program galsat (see and finally ported to Psion OPL my me.