Title: SafeOPL (Epoc) V1.2 Description: Protect your OPL programs against RevTran Author: Richard Smedley Home page: http://www.cix.co.uk/~rsmedley/s5/ INTRODUCTION ============ SafeOPL provides you with a quick & easy way of protecting your OPL programs against RevTran. RevTran is a well-known program which makes it very easy for anybody to reverse-translate OPL programs, allowing them to modify your program or find out how it works. SafeOPL consists of two parts; an OPL template that you need to use for writing your OPL programs, and the main SafeOPL program which patches the code in your finished program to protect it against RevTran. Using SafeOPL doesn't guarantee that your program won't be hacked by a professional hacker. Sadly nothing can guarantee this. But it will stop "normal" people from using RevTran to hack your program. SafeOPL runs entirely on your Psion, so you don't need to have a desktop machine (PC, Amiga) to use it. Full usage instructions are included in the help file. INSTALLATION ============ This program should be fully compatible with all EPOC machines, including Psion S5/5mx, Revo, S7, Oregon Scientific Osaris, etc. Select SAFEOPL.SIS to install it on your Psion, and everything will be installed for you automatically. You will find the OPL template (SafeOPL.opl) in your System\Apps\SafeOPL folder. SafeOPL uses the following additional modules, which are all supplied with the program as SIS files: PERCENT.SIS (Percent.opm V2.20, by Francois Langinieux) SYSRAM1.SIS (Sysram1.opx V1.0) If you haven't installed these on your system yet, or if you are using earlier versions of these modules, then you will need to install these before you can use SafeOPL. Again all you need to do is select their SIS files and they will be installed automatically. CONDITIONS OF USE ================= If you want to release any programs that have been protected using SafeOPL, then please read the following conditions of use: FREEWARE PROGRAMS: Freeware programs which have been protected using SafeOPL can be freely distributed. It would be nice if you could credit me somewhere in the docs for your program, but this isn't essential. SHAREWARE PROGRAMS: If you want to release a shareware program which has been protected using SafeOPL, then I would like you to give me a free registration code for your program. Again, it would also be nice if you could credit me in the docs for your program, but this isn't essential. COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS: SafeOPL can be used to protect commercial products but you must send me a free copy of the finished product that you are releasing. You must also mention my name somewhere in the credits, either in the manual or in the program itself. Note that you don't have to mention SafeOPL, simply mentioning my name is enough. KNOWN BUGS ========== Problem: SafeOPL crashes with Kern-Exec error 3 if you try to change folders by pressing the 'Tab' key. Solution: This is caused by a system bug in Epoc. Pressing the 'Tab' key while you are anywhere in the 'System' folder will crash any OPL program. Always change folders by typing the name of your folder on the keyboard, not by using the folder list. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ===================== If you have any comments about this program, or if you want to contact me for any reason, then here is my address: Richard Smedley PO Box 59 Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts NG17 3HP England rsmedley@cix.co.uk The latest version of SafeOPL will always be available for downloading from my home page: http://www.cix.co.uk/~rsmedley/s5/ CREDITS ======= I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable help and support while developing this program: Mike Rudin - Author of RevTran Francois Langinieux - Author of Percent.opm COPYRIGHT & DISTRIBUTION ======================== SafeOPL is Copyright (C) Richard Smedley 1997-1999. This program may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes providing that all the original files remain fully intact and unmodified. Commercial use of this program, or any part thereof, requires the written permission of the author. Standard disclaimer applies; you use this program at your own risk. Percent.opm is Copyright (C) Francois Langinieux, 1999. VERSION HISTORY =============== V1.0 (08.08.98) - The first public release. V1.1 (03.04.99) - The file selector now defaults to "System/Apps" instead of the root folder. - Numerous internal improvements to the code. - Gave the docs a much needed rewrite. - Now requires Sysram1.opx V1.2 (11.12.99) - Completely redesigned the GUI. SafeOPL & ScrambleOPL now have the same "look and feel" to each other. - Now displays a progress bar, so you can instantly see how much of your program has been protected. - You can now press Esc at any time to abort without making any changes to your program. - Numerous improvements to the docs.