Spectrum Pokes V1.0 ------------------- An S5 database containing pokes for 874 classic Spectrum games, for use with Palmtop BV's Sinclair Spectrum emulator for EPOC32. Now you can keep the pokes & cheats for all your favourite Spectrum games on the S5 itself, alongside the S5 Spectrum emulator! To install it, simply put the database in the Documents folder on any drive on your S5. To enter the pokes, load the appropriate game into the emulator and then press Ctrl-M to open the poke window. Now enter the pokes as required. If you haven't got the S5 Spectrum emulator yet, you can download it from Palmtop NV's home page at this URL: http://www.palmtop.nl/ The latest version of this database will always be available from my home page, at the following URL: http://www.cix.co.uk/~rsmedley/s5/ This database is freeware, and was compiled from a variety of different sources. Note that I haven't actually tested all the pokes myself, so I can't guarantee that they all work! If you have any comments or want to contact me for any reason, then here is my address: Richard Smedley PO Box 59 Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts NG17 3HP England rsmedley@cix.co.uk Enjoy!