Introduction ------------ Welcome to Crypto! Crypto is a encryption utility which may wipe out source files, launch decrypted files and automatically re-encrypt them after modification. After I've read 'Murgan's Musings' in Palmtop's issue 18 I've wondered how difficult it is to write an encryption utility for the EPOC platform. - I know that such a program already exists, but I was more interested in the making than in the result. I'm using Crypto myself for managing a simple database with tons of logins, passwords and other figures I'm supposed to know by heart. A perfect job for my little brain extension - my beloved Series 5. Release Information ------------------- V1.14 Production - February 14, 2000 What's new? - Files are launched asynchronously so Crypto is not blocked anymore and offers a 'go to file' button - Most important buttons are arranged to the right - Crypto recognises newer Crypto files and the need of a software update - Folders and files containing space characters are fully supported - Dense packed dialogs to improve the appearance on smaller machines, e.g. the Revo - A missing password entry does not cause a crash anymore - Pressing the test button does not cause a crash anymore Compatibility to prior releases - This release is fully compatible to prior releases - The Crypto file structure has not been changed - Files encrypted with Crypto V1.14 may be decrypted with prior releases too Features - File encryption and decryption using the secure RC4 algorithm (256-bit) - Wipe out source files to make sure an undelete is useless - Cancel and resume during encryption, decryption and wipe file - Launch support for all file types (for files without a EPOC header - like zip archives, plain text files or graphics - any installed program may be selected at encryption time to open the file) - Compacting data and agenda files before encrypting - Automatic re-encryption - Detects the need of compacting and re-encryption - General preferences for encryption mode, source file treatment after encryption and statistics. - Runs on - EPOC Release 3 (e.g. Series 5) - EPOC Release 5 (e.g. Series 5mx) - EPOC Emulator Release 5 (WINS) - Available in German, English, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch and Danish Installation ------------ Crypto is distributed as .zip file containing the following .sis installation file: - Crypto.sis for EPOC Computer (e.g. Serie 5) - CryptoEmulator.sis for EPOC Emulator R5 on a PC To install Crypto from your 32-bit MS-Windows PC, double click on the .sis file and follow the instructions. To install Crypto from your EPOC machine or the EPOC Emulator, launch the .sis file and follow the instructions. After the installation a new icon should appear in your extras bar. Grap a copy of the appropriate installation program from my web site when your PsiWin release or your EPOC machine does not support .sis files. Important: The old EPOC Emulator Release 3 is not supported ********* anymore. Please download the new Emulator from - the OPL or JAVA SDK are relatively 'small' and include a full working Emulator. They may be downloaded for free by EpocWorld members and the membership is free too. The new emulator is definitely better than the old one and is highly recommended! Translation ----------- The following persons have translated Crypto for free. Thank you very much! - Gérald Aubard - French. Visit Gérald's web site at - Matthias Neisser - Brazilian Portuguese. Visit Matthias' web site at - Salvo Micciché und Filippo Zerboni - Italian. Visit Salvo's web site at und Filippo's web site at - Roeland Krul - Dutch. Roeland's e-mail address is - Michael Degn - Danish. Michael's e-Mail Adresse is The German and English versions are maintained by myself. Feedback -------- Do you have bug reports, enhancement requests or comments? Your Feedback is very appreciated. Thank you! Philipp Salvisberg e-mail: www: