[--- BMP Graphic Goes Here ---] Movies v1.01 ¸ 1998 VK Soft (Ben Vaisvil & Eric Keef) NOTE: This has not been tested on a GeoFox-One, I would like to hear if it worked. Movies was compiled by Richard Tate and Ben Vaisvil. Movies was programmed by Ben Vaisvil with help by Richard Betts. I. TO INSTALL: First you must unzip it. You can use Winzip, Psizip, or Navigator to unzip it. Second, make sure that you have the system folder showing. If you don't go to the system screen and press -menu-. Go over to the -tools- tab and go to -preferences....-. Then check 'Show System Folder' Make sure the install.opo is not in the \movies folder and tap on it: it will guide you through the installation process. Now it should appear on the extras menu. II. Movies When you start movies you'll be greeted by the copyright and the splash screen. This is some online help...but I'll go through all the menu options here. Movies > Launch - Launches the Movies Database > Launch & Exit - Launches the database and closes the application > Close Tools > Preferences> > Sound - Sound on/off (There are sounds at start up and end, default is off. if you have the sound turned off on the control panel and the program sound turned on Movies will not start. If you don't want to turn the sound in the control panel back on... delete the movies.ini file to restore defaults.) > AutoRun - AutoRun on/off (AutoRun automatically runs the database when you start up the app...app still opens you just go directly to the database instead of the app default is off.) > Show Toolbar > Compact - Compacts Movies.hlp (Do this after you add, delete and append entries) Other > Register - hehe (Try It I DARE you) > About - About Help > Help - A little on-line help III. Updates 10.16.98 ú Versoin 1.01 ú Now works on c and d drive ú Database grown to 1200+ movies ú added comments to some 9.20.98 ú Version 1.0á ú Added Jason Kneen's coolbar with Richard Betts (RB) help. ú Exits from system OK (RB) ú If you compact the database when it isn't there it crashes,fixed (RB) ú Fixed the can make file bug (RB) 9.10.98 ú Embedded sounds won't play if you start the database with the app. ú Released beta notes to 5Alive ú Sent program to interested Beta testers 9.9.98 ú Updated to Version 0.91 ú added shortcuts ú fixed bug if sounds were deleted program wouldn't start (reported by Richard Betts) 9.4.98 ú at this moment the program is in the initial beta (controlled group) testing current bugs - no shortcuts for the keys implemented yet - doesn't shut down from the tasklist - if the Psion's sound is turned off and the programs sound is turned on it will not start. (you can get around this by deleting the movies.ini file...but I hope to find a better solution.) ú Planned Features for future releases (v1.1 and above) - frequent updates to the database (once every two weeks, once a month....don't know yet) - Option for the program to time out and switch off while autorun is enabled. - Embedded sounds and pics from movies (Could use help finding some....) - Better looking startup screen ( the conversion to 16 colors made it grainy) - Search by rating - Toolbar (or rather Jason Kneen's coolbar) IV. Credits Special Thanks to Richard Tate for use of his database (so I didn't have to start from scratch), Steve Litchfield for his Psion Programming articles, Richard Betts and Phil Spencer for indispensible programming help. V. Contact VK Soft Ben Vaisvil may be e-mail - deatharc@hotmail.com Eric Keef may be mailed - psiek@hotmail.com VK Soft in general - vksoft@pmail.com [--- BMP Graphic Goes Here ---] Note: The former e-mail address - vksoft@geocities.com is no longer valid VI. Legal Movies is intended to use for fun. It is not affiliated with any of companies mentioned. Use this software at your own risk, I, nor Richard Tate can be responsible for any damage this program may cause. I will not, nor intend to make any money off of this program, nor may you. Movies is FREEWARE.