OPL+ 1.11 for EPOC32 Copyright 1998, Andy Clarkson, All Rights Reserved THIS VERSION IS FOR USE WITH THE SERIES 5 OR GEOFOX ONE. A SEPARATE VERSION IS AVAILABLE FOR USE WITH THE EPOC32 EMULATOR. Description: OPL+ is an improved development environment for writing OPL code. There are two main components to the package: OPL+ editor OPP The OPL+ editor is similar to the standard Psion Program editor, but provides additional facilities, such as auto-layout of OPL code and syntax highlighting of lines, e.g. displays all PROC...ENDP lines in bold and comments in italic. The editor uses a project concept whereby you open a project which contains a number of files. You can add and remove files to the project. Note that the editor works with TEXT FILES, not Psion Program format files. This is deliberate, facilitating the easy transfer of code to and from a PC based development environment. The editor can import and open Psion OPL files. Note that OPL files will be opened read-only - use the "Save As" menu option to save the file to a text file in order to edit the file. OPP is the translator back-end used from the OPLPlus editor. OPP provides many extensions to the standard OPL language. If you are familiar with the operation of a C pre-processor then the function of OPP will be immediately clear. OPP provides preprocessor facilites as well as extending the OPL language, such as support for multi-dimensional arrays and C style structures. Refer to the full OPP manual for details which will be installed with the software into: c:\Documents\OPPManual Note that OPP is supported on a range of platforms including: EPOC32 (Series 5 & Geofox One) EPOC16 (Series 3a/3c & Siena) MSDOS (for OPL development on a PC) Refer to the OPL+ help file installed with the software for further details. Installation: If you have a PC then double clicking from Windows Explorer on a SIS file extracted from the OPLPlus.zip file will install the software to your Psion automatically. For this to work you will need either PsiWin 2.1 or to have previously installed Psion's Message Suite software. If your PC doesn't recognise the SIS file then download the necessary installation software for your PC from: http://www.psion.com When installing the software it will ask whether you wish to install the OPL help file. This file is large (over 400K) and is optional. If you are short of disk space then select "No" not to install it. The OPL help file provides a useful keyword lookup for all the standard OPL keywords and Psion OPX calls. The file was provided by Tim Richardson, for further info see http://www.btinternet.com/~psifi/ Shareware registration: This software is shareware. If you continue to use then please register by sending 15 UK pounds or US$25 to the author. To register via the Internet use... https://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?5994 ...or see the instructions on the shareware section of my homepage. Alternatively you can register using your credit card over the phone. Within the USA call 1-877-REGSOFT or if outside the USA call (770) 497-9126. When phoning please quote the RegSoft ID number 5994. To register via post, send 15 UK pounds or US$25 (cash or cheque) to: A. Clarkson 23 Worcester Avenue, Hardwick, Cambridgeshire. CB3 7XG U.K. I can be contacted via email at: email: andyc@csi.com For the latest version and for further details see my homepage: WWW: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/andyc/