5Account Simple Home Banking Program Details --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : 5Account Version : R4.04 Release Date : 2 May 2000 Copyright : PocketIQ & Simon Berridge EMail : Simon@pocketiq.com WWW : http://www.pocketiq.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Files included on disk --------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Directory 5Account.sis Anywhere on your PC or Psion ReadMe.txt This file --------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Unpack the Zip file to your PC or your Psion. 2. On the PC: Double click on the file 5Account.SIS. This will start the PC automatic installation of 5Account. On the Psion: Double tap on the file 5Account.SIS. This will start the Psion automatic installation of 5Account. 5Account should now be accessible to you from the Extras icon. Run the file which will initialise the database etc. The file Licence.txt will be in your C:\Documents folder, please read this carefully. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Sign on to the PocketIQ Web Site on http://www.pocketIQ.com/ and follow the Registration instructions there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please register and support software development. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes: Release Date Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Aug 98 First beta release. Fixed bug in reconciliation routine. Released as V1.0 19 Aug 98 Introduction of QIF Import/Export. Number of bug fixes. Changed the shading of the highlight bars. Released as V1.1 21 Aug 98 Rounding error fixed. Significant changes in the data extract engine to increase the speed of the screen refresh. Now runs very fast. Tested on 3200 transactions. Removing accounts. Two data views added. Net worth screen report changed. Released as V1.2 29 Aug 98 QIF Import/Export now more stable. Help file improved with examples. Archiving and archive restore strengthened. Income/Expenditure report screen changed. 05 Sep 98 Addition of 0 - 10 decimal places. Released as V1.3 11 Sep 98 Added Clients Added Invoicing Strengthened the archive routines. Previously some data was 'lost' by being posted into wrong account. Added ability to change the Account balances. Released as V1.4 14 Sep 98 Added Archiving One Account Added Recovering one Account Minor tweaks and bug fixes 18 Sep 98 Fixed bugs in archiving that strengthens the whole procedure to allow for unknown accounts/categories. Changed progress bar to show percentage (thanks to Andy Clarkson). Added HTML print of Net Worth. Added print of Net Worth. Added HTML print of Income & Expenses. Added print of Income & Expenses. Released as V1.6 22 Sep 98 Added fast keys. *** NOW READY FOR OFFICIAL RELEASE *** Released as R1.0 24 Sep 98 Small bug fixed in refreshing bottom window after fast key access. Released as R1.1 28 Sep 98 Rewrite of Modify Transaction as found it was inefficient and prone to errors. Ensured that correct options now presented to user when tapping on a transaction entry. Tightened the editing. Currency not being transferred into transaction record when being updated by standing order. Released as R1.2 05 Oct 98 Tab key incorporated for Show Transaction within Transaction View. Removed earliest date of today minus one year from transaction entry. Now set to minus four years. 4 Weekly Standing Orders introduced. Work undertaken in the transfers between accounts and subsequent modification. Released as R1.3 08 Oct 98 Added Jump Key (Ctrl-J) to account transactions view. Allows the user to jump to another account transaction view. 5Account does not allow the modification of a reconciled transaction now. Upon entering a transaction the user now has the ability to reconcile it immediately. Released as R1.4 09 Nov 98 Ability to reconcile a transaction whilst under modification. Some balance errors fixed in transferring money. Released as R1.5 17 Nov 98 Added preference that allows the balance of the transaction view to follow a logical date order or entry order. SHift-Ctrl-A now switches to Accounts View, new control Shift-Ctrl-J is used to Adjust Account balances. Released as R1.6 27 Nov 98 Introduced italicised transaction list for items that are in the future. Introduced emboldened transaction list for items that are due today. Produced a Balance Sheet print. Produced a Profit & Loss print. Added Export to CSV for Account transactions. Released as R1.7 04 Feb 99 Changed the "action" keys to be Psion standard. QIF import CX, Cx and C* now supported. Changed headers on screen to be more specific. Preferences changed to allow for a single pen tap to reconcile/unreconcile a transaction within transaction view. Preferences changed to allow the user to select whether to show the progress indicator or not. Released as R1.8 20 Feb 99 Bug fixed in Asset account modify. Currency Conversion Module added. Switched the INIfile to drive C: for safety. Opening/Closing balances adjustment transaction modified by adding a 'Calc' button and the system now checks if the numbers entered are right and warns if not. Added the ability to add a standing order for 0.00 to allow for the set up of a variable standing order that can be modified later. Released as R1.9 22 Feb 99 Addition of PC Export file and release of the PC Version. Bug found and fixed in the archiving function. Released as R2.0 22 Feb 99 Added new Palmscape logo. Released as R2.1 02 Mar 99 Utilised faster progress bar (PC_BAR.OPM) Upon startup checks for standing orders and displays a dialog box if there are any to process. Fixed a couple of bugs in the standing orders area. Pressing Tab now does not show the currency symbol for the base amount, only the converted amount. New preference added to allow for the suppression of Personal Details when printing an invoice (allows the use of a standard letterhead). Added the Preference to change the VAT string from "VAT" to any 3 characters. Changed the 'quantity' field in Invoicing to allow for decimal places rather than as an integer.This allows for billing of hours (user request). Category Balance reset (Ctrl-R) was reported as 'not working'. After investigation was found to be correct in the author's opinion, but...... 'Home' and 'End' keys now go to the top or bottom of the current view. Released as R2.2 27 Mar 99 Introduced HTML print of transactions as an option when hitting the printer button. Added 'Account Details' by pressing the Tab key on a highlighted Account or Category. Released as R2.3 14 Apr 99 Added ability to seed own invoice numbers, now under preferences. Now handles VAT for an invoice. Will post the VAT amount to the selected VAT account. Released as R2.4 29 Apr 99 At long last!!! PASSWORD PROTECTION.... Added under preferences. Released as R2.5 10 May 99 Fixed bug in startup. Significantly improved the speed of 'Finalise Invoice'/ Released as R2.6 04 Jun 99 Fixed a currency conversion bug. Added two more levels of zoom. Fixed a bug in the Finalise Invoice section. Released as R2.7 23 Jul 99 Adjust Balances for Categories was not working correctly. Now fixed. Display in Categories was not correct for large numbers. Incorporated CSV extract of categories. Date range print of transactions incorporated. Released as R2.8 11 Aug 99 Date range print of transactions added. Checked conversion looked for zero entry. Now compacts the database on a File|Open command. Completely changed and rewrote the PC Export function. Now it writes a CSV file and wrote from scratch the PC Application (PC5Account) that is distributed free to registered users. QIF Import expanded to allow users to select 'all' categories create, rather than creating one by one. Added auto cheque numbering. Initialised at 1 but when overridden by a number will use that number as seed. Released as R3.0 12 Jan 00 Added expense account support. New account type added for the exense account control. New category type added for expense account postings. Combining 5Xpense with 5Account for more complete financial control. Fixed bug in QIF import where the system is reporting no categories when they do exist. QIF Import and export now recognise the correct Y2K requirement (year shoen as '00 rather than /00). User request to not having to re-enter password when changing preferences. Released as R4.0 03 Feb 00 Changed the Invoice print to allow for the footer to be customised. Entered within the Personal Information section. Will be printed within the Print and HTML routines. Ability to add invoice lines without a value so that multi-line invoices can be printed. If line value is zero then the currency column and the value columns are suppressed in the print. Changed the HTML invoice print to create single lines within the invoice as I felt that it was too crowded. Now only the heading has lines around and the body of the invoice is enclosed. Changed the preferences to use a multi-page dialog - now much better! Thanks to Neuon for this amazing OPX. Error in Modify Transaction corrected. Freq Used button not implemented! Changed the New Transaction dialog to be more user friendly. Released as R4.01 01 Mar 00 More work in the New Transactions dialog. Added the 'Bank Transaction' checkbox. Hides Category Selector if 'Transfer' selected. Added CSV output to the transactions view. Corrected a problem in the 4-weekly standing orders update routine (really stupid programming error!). Released as R4.02 30 Apr 00 Error found in New Transactions dialog if there is only one category to select. Released as R4.03 02 May 00 Updated to support the Revo machine. Released as R4.04 -----------------------------------------------------------------------