Installation of VFRnav 3.0 -------------------------- Unzip the file on a PC. Copy (not convert !) all files, except this one, to the root map (=C:\) on the Psion 5. This is the map where you also see the documents and the system map. An error will occur if you use another map ! Double click the install.opo file Enter the drive letter of your Psions system drive. Then select the folder where to place the flightplans map. After you get the message "Installation succesfull" you can manually delete the install.opo file from the C:\ map. That's all ! When starting the program, a sound file is played. Because this uses some battery power, you can manually delete the file from the programfiles map. The sound will then not be played anymore. A general failure is displayed during starting the program, when batterypower is to low for playing the sound. The program will run normaly. When starting a new plan you must do as follows : - first you must set the plane type (General, Plane). If the wright type is not there, you may enter it yourself in the database (File, Database). After this you must set some basic data. These are the field of departure and the field of arrival, and the header data (ground wind, magnetic variation etc.) These data are required because of some calculations. If you do not enter these data most of the options will stay unavailable. -Plans can be saved, opened and printed (even via infrared or fax (if you have a GSM or landline modem connected and Messagesuit installed)) The plane database is fully editable. - Even the weight and balance envelope will be drawed on the screen after ebntering the required data. The program has more features, but you will find these during using the program. Many happy landings !!! Delft, the Netherlands, October 1998 MS Navigational software