MDOS Update 1.01 What's newA few minor bugs have been fixedA few more commands have been added (See below)Improved error handling and messages when attempting to write to ROM (Z:) Installation Using PsiZip Extract all files into the root of drive C on your psion with the restore folders option marked, if you are prompted to overwrite any files just say yes. Using Psiwin Unzip the ZIP file using whatever ZIP tool you normally use (PKUnzip, WinZip etc) and copy over the original one in C:\system\apps\mdos. Disclaimer.I, Mike McCarthy accept no responsibility for any damage or loss of data or any other problem which arises as a result of the use of this software. By using this software you agree to accept full responsibility for any problems which may arise. New commands.CHDIR XX Changes to the directory XXMKDIR XX Creates a folder called XXRMDIR XX Removes the folder XXMOVE Brings up the move file dialog Look out for future updates.