Start5 v2.0 Resources
These files are provided without any support. This is NOT an official release. To update v2.0 Beta 3 to Start5 v2.0 Final download the ZIP archive below. Extract it with the "restore directories" option and replace all existing files. Rename Start5.GE or Start5.EN to Start5.rsc to select English or German. DO NOT UNINSTALL v2.0 BETA 3 BEFORE INSTALLING THIS UPDATE!!!(I have to reply to about one mail per day regarding this "bug".) If you have problems with Shorter please delete and recreate the folder C:\Shortcuts. If you don't have v2.0 Beta 3 yet, download and install it first. This update adds German language support and fixes some bugs. Macro support is a bit experimental.
Download v2.0 Final Update Download v2.0 Beta 3
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