NavPro3 Programmed by Andre Hofmeyr This is the readme file for NavPro3. NavPro3 is a navigator plug-in which provides most of the features that are lacking in Navigator by Purple software. The first and second version were awarded 5 cow ratings at psionking and were highly recommended by Stefan Smith of 5alive. The new version of NavPro is completely different and adds many amazing functions including a Favourite Manager which lets you store your favourite web pages and then launch them. Install ------- To install NavPro3 copy the following files to c:\system\apps\NavPro3 NavPro3.aif NavPro3.hlp NavPro3.mbm Ncont.opo Nlink.opo Ntask.opo Then if you haven't already installed systinfo.opx double click systinfo.sis and follow the on screen instructions Comments -------- I do not know of any bugs in NavPro3 but if you find any or have any questions, comments or suggestions please mail me at: or visit my website at: Thanx ----- Many thanx go to Huub Linthorst, Pascal Nicolas, Phil Spencer, Jason Kneen for all there help and to Otfried Cheung for developing systinfo.opx Cheers Andre Hofmeyr