Helpfile for Psion Series 5 Database File : Med5/dbf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The enclosed file is a standard format database file suitable for use in all Psion Series 5 and EPOC machines. It contains a database with various bits of assorted medical information I have picked up over the years. The sections on normal biochemistry and haematology are especially comprehensive, but there is paediatrics, surgery, medicine, and lots of drug regimes as well. Have a look for yourself! It should be stated that you use the file and its contents at your own risk. As far as I know, the contents are correct, but don't blame me if you use the information and something untoward happens. This file is freely distributable anywhere, but the copyright remains my own. If you find any errors, or you just want to talk, then contact me by email. I hope you all find it useful. If you do, the please register for the database on my registration web-page. Jason Wolfe email - www - (1st Release Date - 18th July 1998) (Current release - 25th October 1998)