Murphy5 v1.00 ------------- Contents 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Usage 4. Deletion 5. History 6. Details 1. INTRODUCTION Thanyou for trying Murphy5, the perfect way of wasting time and batteries on the Psion Series 5. Murphy5 is a small program that has a database full of quotes. It selects and displays one of these everytime the Psion is turned on. Simply by clicking a button, other quotes can be read / the program can be hidden. As Murphy5 is only a 2k application, it takes virtually no space in memory. One other thing - it's free. 2. INSTALLATION A folder called "Murphy5" should be created within the "\System\Apps" folder on the Series 5. It should be possible to install to a compact flash disk (Drive "D") instead, but this hasn't been tested. All of the files from this archive should then be copied to this folder (the files you should have are: Readme.Txt - This documentation file. File_ID.Diz - A short description of the program for BBS's etc. Murphy5.App - The program itself. Murphy5.Aif - The application information file Murphy5_Icon - The file containing the Icons for Murphy5 Laws - All the quotes for Murphy5 (in Series 5 database format). The Control file "Murphy5.ctl" is also included for use on the PC if you are using PSISETUP (PSISETUP is a PC-based auto-installation program, available from 3. USAGE Once installed, the icon for Murphy5 should appear on the extras bar. Just click on this to run the program. When the program starts, and on all subsequent screens, you are given a subset of the following options: Hide: Sends Murphy5 into the background. It will automatically show itself when the Series 5 is turned on. It can also be selected from the task-list. Quote / More Quotes: Displays a quote from the "Laws" database Info: Displays a screen of information about Murphy5. Quit: Exits Murphy5 4. DELETION To delete Murphy5, just delete the Murphy5 folder from where it is installed to ("\System\Apps"). 5. HISTORY v1.00 - First release: 25/03/98 o 203 quotes o supports carriage returns in the "quote" field of "Laws" 6. DETAILS While Murphy5 is completely free, I certainly won't turn down any support for the development of my "proper" software. I am a Computer Science student looking for sponsorship whilst I finish my degree, and have already written software that is being commercially published (not just trivial things such as this). For more information, please contact me at the addresses given below. Please send any comments / ideas / new quotes to: or to: JS Greenwood, 113 Crosland Road, Oakes, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD3 3PW England 25/03/98