Title: Wages 3.3 Description: Payslip database/analyser, check your tax etc. Author: Richard Smedley Home page: http://www.richardsmedley.co.uk/ INTRODUCTION ============ Wages is a payslip database/analyser for EPOC, designed to help you keep track of all your earnings. Once you've entered a few payslips into the program you will be able to use it for checking your P45/P60, finding out how much you've paid into the company pension scheme, predicting future gross/net earnings, keeping an eye on how much tax you are paying, etc. There are several graph functions for taking a closer analytical look at your wages, for keeping track of how many hours you are working, finding out how much you're being paid per hour, seeing how much of your income is lost through deductions, and so on. This might not sound like the most interesting or exciting thing to do on your Psion, but if used regularly it can become totally invaluable. Wages is fully compatible with PayAdvice for Win95/98, allowing you to use & update your files on your PC. INSTALLATION ============ This program is compatible with the Psion S5/5mx, Revo, S7, and most other EPOC machines. Not recommended for use on the Oregon Scientific Osaris. Installation uses approx 120K of disk space. Simply select WAGES.SIS to install it on your Psion, and everything should be installed for you automatically. Wages uses the following additional modules, which are all supplied with the program as SIS files: VWIN.SIS (VWin.opo V0.4, by Richard Panton) PERCENT.SIS (Percent.opm V2.20, by Francois Langinieux) If you haven't installed these on your system yet, or if you are using earlier versions of these modules, then you will need to install these before you can use Wages. Again all you need to do is select their SIS files and they will be installed automatically. HOW TO REGISTER =============== This program is shareware. The unregistered version is fully functional, but it can only be used for up to 30 days without registering. When you register you will be sent a personal registration code to enter into the program. This will make your copy of the program fully registered, and will remove the limitations from the unregistered version. After you've registered, all future updates are free. All you have to do is download them. ON-LINE REGISTRATION -------------------- If you want to register on-line by credit card, please fill in the on-line registration form at this URL: http://www.reg.net/product.asp?ID=3645 On-line registration costs $25 US Dollars. Your registration code will be sent to you by e-mail within 24-48 hours. POSTAL REGISTRATIONS -------------------- Postal registrations cost 10 Pounds Sterling. You can also send *cash* in either US Dollars (20 USD) or Deutschmarks (30 DM). Don't forget to say in your letter that you are registering Wages for the Psion S5, and please remember to write your address clearly! Here is my address: Richard Smedley PO Box 59 Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts NG17 3HP England epoc@richardsmedley.co.uk http://www.richardsmedley.co.uk/ CREDITS ======= I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable help and support while developing this program: Andy Eskelson - Design & development Robert Hart - Original design Richard Panton - Author of VWin.opo Francois Langinieux - Author of Percent.opm Yvonne & Charles Newgas - German translation COPYRIGHT & DISTRIBUTION ======================== Wages is Copyright (C) Richard Smedley 1998-2000, All Rights Reserved. The unregistered version of this program may be freely distributed in its original form, providing all the original files remain fully intact and unmodified. You must NOT distribute registration codes and/or the file "Wages.reg" that is generated by the program. You are not allowed to modify, reverse-translate or reverse-engineer this program or any associated files. Standard disclaimer applies; you use this program at your own risk. Under no circumstances can the author be held responsible for any loss or damages (financial or otherwise) which may arise as a result of the use of this software. VWin.opo is Copyright (C) Richard Panton, 1997-1999. Percent.opm is Copyright (C) Francois Langinieux, 1999. VERSION HISTORY =============== (Most recent changes first...) V3.3 (08.09.00) - Various internal changes for compatibility with PayAdvice, the PC version of this program. - The functions "Date range" and "Columns" from the Tools menu have been moved into the View menu. - New function: Added a "View/Show toolbar" function on the main screen, which allows you to toggle the toolbar on/off. - Toolbar buttons are now displayed as text-only on the Revo. - Added "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" functions to the View menu on the main screen. - The "Cumulative pay" graph has been removed. - Made numerous changes to Richard's Fantastic Secret Number Game. - Bug fix: The program now correctly flags itself as being locked during periods when it is not able to respond to system messages. - You are no longer limited by how many payslips you can enter in the unregistered version. Instead, the unregistered version uses a 30 day timeout. V3.2 (21.11.99) - Now Revo compatible. - The functions "Edit titles" and "Sort titles" in the Entry menu have been merged into a single "Edit & sort titles" function. - Various small changes to the user interface. V3.1 (24.10.99) - New function: Added a "Tools/Date range" function on the main screen, allowing you to collapse the display by only viewing the payslips that fall within a particular date range. - New function: Added a "Tools/Columns" function, which allows you to customize the display by selecting which columns are displayed in the list. - New graph: Bar chart showing annual yearly totals, very useful if you have got several years worth of data stored in one file. - All graphs are now automatically scaled to fill the available screen size. Graphs are now shown full-screen even on the S7. - The payslip list on the main screen can now be zoomed using the silk-screen zoom buttons. - Improved the vertical scrolling on the main screen. - Bug fix: Tapping the pen on the titles at the top of the main screen would cause the titles to disappear. Now fixed. - Bug fix: A bug in the refresh routines could occasionally cause a "Too many drawables open" error. Now fixed. V3.0 (04.09.99) - Because this is a brand new release, this version history has been deliberately edited to start at V3.0. - Changes & new features include: * Enter up to 500 payslips in each file * New graphs, including pie charts * Titles can now be moved/sorted * Merge/export functions * Predict future earnings * Improved printout routines * Progress bar shown during lengthy operations * Numerous enhancements & bug fixes * New rewritten help file * Now supplied as a SIS file