******************************* BMI Calculator ©1998 Palmscape Freeware http://www.palmscape.com freeware@palmscape.com ******************************* Welcome to BMI Calculator, part of the Body and Mind Series brought to you by Palmscape. BMI Calculator is a simple tool to assess you Body Mass Index. This is a formula based on your weight to height ratio. Please don't take it too seriously. It is by no means an accurate way to measure your ideal weight, and all sorts of factors can influence the result, however it is useful as a simple guide. This text file will give you the information that you need to install BMI Calculator onto your palmtop, and how to get started. Installing BMI Calculator ==================== 1) Turn on your Series 5, press the System button, press the Menu key, under 'Tools' select 'Preferences', make sure that the 'show system folder’ option is 'OK'. This will make the System folder visible on your Psion. 2) Create a new folder called \SYSTEM\APPS\BMI on either drive. 3) Copy all the files from the ZIP file into this new folder, except ... 4) Place the ps.opo, ps.mbm, b&m.mbm, b&m.opo and bmibar.opo files in a C:\SYSTEM\OPL\ folder. You may need to create this folder if you do not already have one. Getting started ============= BMI Calulator has been designed to be very easy to use, and you should be able to find your way around quite quickly, however comprehensive online help is available by tapping the help button. If you have any other questions that is not covered in the online help file you can contact the Palmscape support via: E-Mail: freeware@palmscape.com Disclaimer ======== We have used Freeware extensively on our Psion Series 5, and it has work perfectly well, however this does not mean that it will work on your machine, and no guarantee is offered or implied. Use this product at your own risk. Palmscape December 1998