S5OPLDoc1.ZIP vs. 1 (01-08-1998) contains Help-files for OPL developpers When developping an OPL-program, you often need a quick reference to syntax or the like. I converted some of the available documents to DATA files. If you want to use them, copy to your Psion 5. S5 OPL (180 kB): Psion's OPL-reference, without Series 3-specific commands S5 Constants (17 kB): The description of constants in Const.oph S5 OPX (79 kB): Usage of the OPX-files in ROM plus SysRAM1.opx S5 OPX extra (17 kB): Usage of third-party OPX's. Currently only OplDb Latest version is available at http://www.knoware.nl/users/wsmout/s5doc.html Comments to wsmout@knoware.nl Survey of available OPX-files at http://www.mcaleely.com/psion/OPX/