EBook v2.1 for EPOC ------------------- EBook is an electronic book (e-text/e-book) viewer. It supports Palm DOC (Aportis) documents, which are normally used on Palm Computing devices, TCR documents and regular text documents (i.e. ".txt" files, which most word processors can create). Features: * Supports compressed and uncompressed Palm DOC files (.prc & .pdb) * Supports TCR documents * Text document support (.txt) files * Auto Scroll * Scrollbar navigation * Clipboard copy and copy to file * Comprehensive bookmark facility * 80 bookmarks per document * Palm DOC & TCR recogniser on ER5 handhelds (Revo/MC218/S5mx/S7/netBook) * Palm DOC style embedded bookmarks * Palm DOC stored bookmarks * Code page 850 support * EPOC font file format (.gdr) support - allows the use of non-latin fonts etc, such as Russian * Online help * Small memory usage, whatever size the document viewed * Written in C++ for optimum speed Please read the LICENSE.txt before using. Installation ------------ To install the application please read the document INSTALLATION.TXT Usage Instructions ------------------ Help is supplied with the application. Registration ------------ EBook for EPOC is shareware. It costs £10 UK Pounds or $15 US Dollars to register. Please go to: http://www.funkyplace.freeserve.co.uk/ebook/register.html Creating Palm DOC files ----------------------- I've ported the popular MAKEDOC utility to EPOC which is available on the homepage of EBook. This EPOC port requires eshell.exe and STDLIB to run, these are available in the same location. There are lots of similar utilities on various platforms to create Aportis files. Issues ------ * EBook has been designed as a book viewer and the formatting engine was designed for top to bottom reading. Formatting of paragraphs can become a little untidy when you go backwards. * Opening EXEs, DLLs, etc may crash the program. Solution...don't! * Document position info may be inaccurate with TCR files, due to the lack of original file size information in this format. * Corrupt TCR files can crash AportisDOC Mobile when they are first opened. Upgrading from v1.2 ------------------- Your old bookmarks and settings from version 1.2 will automatically work with version 2.1. You may have to delete old .EBM files for the "Palm DOC bookmarks" to be read. Very few documents use these type of bookmarks but there are some popular documents such as www.HandHeldCrime.com that do. Changes from v2.0 ----------------- New Features: * rename bookmarks * bookmark navigation hotkeys changed to use single key presses * changed minimum autoscroll speed to .5 secs Fixes: * restored missing spacing between paragraphs with "Group by paragraphs" formatting * problem with top line being blank on page down with "Obey Original" formatting Changes from v1.2 ----------------- New Features: * bookmark navigation enhancements * Palm DOC bookmarks reading * scrollbar * clipboard copy and copy to file * autoscroll * "code page 850" support * EPOC font file format (.gdr) support - allows the use of non-latin fonts etc, such as Russian * view preferences tidied up Fixes: * improvement to find positioning, now displays from the beginning of a line when it finds a word * same as above for the goto percentage and scrollbar * document is always displayed from top of screen, used to have problems with pageup to top * did not rescan bookmarks if an invalid bookmark file existed "Removed File Error" when opening EBook and previous document is not there * disabled "Find Next" if no search string has been entered * occassional line down crash/jump problem with TCR documents Bugs ---- Send any reports to ebooksupp@bigfoot.com Cheers Simon Quinn, UK