Welcome to File Pepper v.0.9 ---------------------------- A simple file viewing utility for Psion 5mX. FILE DETAILS ------------ The archive file should contain the following files: filepepper.sis The program Readme.txt English Instructions Once installed you will see the program consists of the following essential files: (all in \System\Apps\File Pepper\) file pepper.app - The main program file tbicon.mbm - The icons used within the program file pepper.aif - The icons used in the System screen INSTALLATION ------------ To install the program simply double-click on the filepeper.sis file or select the "Install New Program" option in PsiWin/EPOC Install. Or you could copy the filepepper.sis to your Psion 5mx and tap the filepepper.sis icon from the system screen to start the installation process. RUNNING THE PROGRAM ------------------- Start the program by selecting 'Extras' from the Application bar and then selecting "File Pepper". REGISTRATION ------------ This is a freeware program, no registration is required. You could distribute this software if it is not for commercial purpose and the package is kept unaltered. Come to visit my homepage at http://www.geocities.com/psionkware/index.html. LICENCE AGREEMENT ----------------- There is no liability for consequential damages. In no event shall I or my suppliers be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of the software, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will my liability for any claim, whether in contract, or any other theory of liability, exceed the licence fee paid by you.