------ Gen5 V2.04 ANCESTRAL TREE FOR PSION S5/5MX REVO AND S7 ------ Gen5 is an ancestral tree for PSION S5/MX, REVO and S7. This Shareware is the result of the experiance of "ARBRE GENEALOGIQUE pour PSION S3A/C" and different french, english and german versions of Gen5 for SERIES 5 and REVO. With Gen5 you can browse and update your ancestral tree everywhere. You can also import or export GEDCOM files. After registration, a family tree will stock thousands of persons, 5 couples for a person and 24 children for a familly. Installing Gen5 =============== With this new version, the format of the dates (DD.MM.YYYY or MM.DD.YYYY) is the format of the preferences of your PSION. 1) There are 2 methods to install Gen5 depending on where you have copied the Gen5.sis file and what setup you have; * On a PC : From PSIWIN, double click the Gen5.sis file, this will automatically install Gen5 on your machine. * On your PSION Tap the Gen5.sis file to install. 2) Tap the Gen5 icon on the extra's bar. 3) To uninstall go to the Control Panel, tap the Add/Remove icon, select Gen5 and finally press the Remove button. Files contains in Gen5204.zip ============================== * Programs and helps file in english, french and german: Gen5.sis, * Qwick english documentation Gen5GB24.doc (Word for windows), * French documentation Gen5Fr24.doc (Word for windows), * Qwick german documentation Gen5Ge24.doc (Word for windows), * The exemple file Fidemo, * This file Readme.txt, Lisezmoi.txt and Liesmich.txt. Getting Started =============== Gen5 has been designed to be very easy to use. Full on-line help is available. How to Register =============== Gen5 is shareware. This is a system which allows you to try this product for an evaluation period of one month free of charge. If you want to continue using it after this time you must register your copy. Registration will remove the nag screens and a family tree will stock thousands of persons against less than thirteen. By post mail ------------ To register, you will have to send me your name and address and 15£ or 25$ cash (no checks please), or 150FF(french cheque or money) and the license code (Shift+Ctrl+R) at: Michel Catton 31, avenue Charles de Gaulle - P2 95160 MONTMORENCY FRANCE e_mail : michel.catton@wanadoo.fr Please include your e-mail address, postal address and the license code (Shift-Ctrl+R) and which version of Gen5-R you are using, and how you know Gen5. You will then receive the registration instructions and your personal code to enter in the register option. Registration codes will normally be sent within one week, however if you include an e-mail address you will usually get it the same day! Overseas registration is also welcome this way, in either sterling or USdollars. To register with credit card on the web --------------------------------------- You can also purchase Gen5 on-line with a credit card : 180FF (Web registration costs to me 30FF) or 1110BEF - 46CAD -44,5CHF - 54DEM - 27,95EUR - 19GBP - 30,95USD ... http://perso.wanadoo.fr/michel.catton with your license code (Shift-Ctrl+R) You will then receive by e_mail the registration instructions and your personal code to enter in the register option. 0ther products ============== Citation for PSION S5 and REVO(french version), Arbre Généalogique pour PSION S3A/C (french version), Bibliothèque pour PSION S3A/C (french version), Démineur (freewere S3A/C). Disclaimer ========== I have used Gen5 on my Psion S5 and my REVO, and it has work very well, however this does not mean that it will work on your machine, and no guarantee is offered or implied. Use this product at your own risk. Michel Catton - 05/2000