DiabetesManager version 2.20 (C) 2000 from Klaus Stahl 22.10.2000 Info@diabetesmobil.de http://www.diabetesmobil.de -------------------------------------------------------- Program description --------------------- DiabetesManager is a Diabetes Management Programm for the Psion Serie 5/mx and the Psion Revo/Plus. Files ------- The unziped file "DiabetesManager.zip" contains the following files: DiabetesManager.sis Installation file Liesmich.txt German file Readme.txt This English file ConvertArchivDM_201_220 Update program Installation (and update from version 2.10 Beta) ----------------------------------------------- First please connect the Psion with PC bei the link cable. In PsiWin (version 2.1 an higher) or Windows Explorer tap the file "DiabetesManager.sis". The program EPOC install will than be called and installs DiabetesManager automatically to the Psion. Please follow the instructions of EPOC install. On the internal disk C: of the Psion the OPL program file ConvertArchivDM_201_220 could be found. This file could be deleted because it is not used. Update from version 2.01 to 2.20 -------------------------------- The installation must have been done as discribed above on the same disk where the old DM version 2.01 was located. On the internal disk C: of the Psion the OPL program file ConvertArchivDM_201_220 could be found. Please run this program by tapping it twice before starting DM. The necessary converting for the new DM version will be done. After that this file could be deleted. Registration ------------- The demo version of DiabetesManager is without any restrictions of functionality. Restricted is the number of possible entries for some functions. After paying the registration fee the user receives his password and a ready food table which contains 1900 items. After insertion of the password all restrictions will disappear. For registration please send in cash or a check/bank draft "payable to the order of Klaus Stahl the sum of 60,- Deutsche Mark to" ...a German bank in Germany) to: Klaus Stahl Krumme Str. 37/38 48143 Münster Germany OR register online (via RegNet ID# 5269) starting from the website: http://www.diabetesmobil.de OR bank transfer to: Sparda-Bank Münster (BLZ 400 605 60) Nr.: 487 985 AND an e-mail WITH your full Psion owner name and your own e-mail address to: RegEPOC@diabetesmobil.de For further essential details related to registration and update service see help function of DiabetesManager (topic: "Registration/Service).