Anybody who has programmed Visual Basic and used the standard Windows API will know how useful .INI files are. They save the programmer from having to define data files for applications which are text editable. This module lets you create these files, using the same structure as you will find in many Microsoft Windows applications' .INI files. The available functions are CreateINIFile%: (fileName$) Create a .INI file which can be used to store application settings/data. WritePrivateProfileString: (fileName$, PPkey$, PPvariable$, PPvalue$) Writes the value for PPVariable$ which is in category PPkey$. For example, to store "TRUE" for variable "AUTOSAVE" which comes under the category (PPkey$) "FILE", the text file will contain; [FILE] AUTOSAVE=TRUE GetPrivateProfileString$: (fileName$, PPkey$, PPvariable$, Ppvalue$) Returns the value for the given PPvariable$, of key PPkey$.