PSIBANK DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY Title : PsiBank - Version 2.1.1 Supported : Series 5 Description : Compact, easy-to-use bank account manager Terms of use : Freeware Author : A.W. van der Giessen E-mail : INTRODUCTION I could write a huge manual, but who would read it? Therefore, included with PsiBank is this short manual. It informs you - in a nutshell - how to install and work with PsiBank. If you have questions after reading the manual, send an e-mail to the abovementioned address. Feel free to report possible bugs, criticism or suggestions. WHY DEVELOP PSIBANK PsiBank is a simple and compact Bank Account Manager. It's been kept simple for a good reason. A lot of other programs are available with lots of powerful functions, such as VAT handling, budgeting, etc. As there was no simple Bank Acount Manager to my knowledge, I created one. OVERVIEW PsiBank offers you the following: - Support for up to 5 groups, holding a maximum of 15 accounts each; - Support for up to 20 categories; - A category view, showing the expenses and earnings divided by category; - A balance view, showing the balances of all accounts in the current group; - A 'Balance as of' graph, showing the balances of an account or group over time; - An In vs Out graph, graphically displaying expenses and earnings over time - Payment of Standing Orders; - An import/export function; - A basic printing facility; - Password protection with variable protection level. INSTALLING 1. Make sure viewing of the \System folder is enabled on the system screen ('Preferences'). 2. Go into \System\Apps and make a new folder called "PsiBank". 3. Copy all the files except this one to \System\Apps\Psibank directory. You can skip "Psibank.hlp" if you don't need online help, "Psibank.ovl" can be skipped if you're not going to use the import and export functions. 4. Users of PsiBank for the Series 3a/3c can copy the files in the "BANK" directory on the Series 3a/3c to a directory called "Psibank" on the Series 5. However, this is only possible if you've used version 2.0 for the Series 3a/3c. Please upgrade to that version before transfering the files to your Series 5. FIRST THINGS FIRST The first time you start PsiBank, you will be asked to enter your accounts and - if you wish - to enter the categories to want to use. After entering these, you will be prompted for preferences. These preferences will be OK for most people, check if that goes for you too. Next, you're prompted for some internation settings. Please enter these, and you're ready to go. DATA ENTRY To enter data, you can use the hotkeys as they appear in the 'Item' menu. This is, Psion-T to enter a transfer, Psion-N to enter a new item, Psion-U to update an item and Psion-D to delete an item. In version 1.1, these keys still work, but other keys have been added to make data entry easier. You can now use the Enter key to update the item that is selected. If the empty line is selected, the Enter key will add an item. The Tab key will always add a new transfer. Use Del to delete an item. When setting preferences, you can choose if you wish to use the Del key as a hot key or not. Set it off if you are afraid that deleting items will be a little bit too easy. HANDLING WITH STANDING ORDERS I define Standing Orders as items that occur frequently, regular as well as irregular. This definition is broader than in most Bank Account Managers. In PsiBank, you can enter items of which you know you will have to pay them repeatedly. To enter these, do the following: Use Psion-Shift-S to go to define Standing Orders. Press Enter on the empty line (or Shift-Enter on any line) to enter the data. First of all, enter the date the Standing Order is usually paid. Then, enter the description, amount, type (debit/credit), category and the account. Enter the number of days that PsiBank should prompt you about paying the Standing order and the number of days in advance that PsiBank should remind you of an upcoming Standing order. (You can enter a number between 0 and 14.) The last thing you enter, are the months in which the Standing Order should be paid. Select 'Yes' for each month that this is the case. When you have entered Standing Orders, PsiBank will perform a check every time you start it. When it is time to pay or warn about Standing Orders, you will be prompted. You can then choose to pay the Standing Order at that time, at a later time and to skip the Standing Order. To pay a Standing Order at any given time, use Psion-Shift-S and select the appropriate item. Then press Psion-P to insert that Standing Order. IMPORT/EXPORT Using the import function, you can import any comma separated file, as long as a few conditions are met: - The amount must use a decimal point, no comma, as that is the separator. - Descriptions may only contain a comma if there are quotes surrounding the whole description. Next to a filename and date range, you will be prompted which fields contain the date, description, category and amount. When you accept these values, they will be stored for later use. This means that they will be used as defaults the next time you import a file. The export function created a comma separated file. A decimal point is used in the amount, descriptions are surrounded by quotes. Exporting files is very simple: just enter the filename, the date range and whether or not categories and balances should be written to the file as well. FUNCTIONS File - Open group Select the group to work with. - Move account Move account to another group. - Open account Select the account to work with. - Tidy account Delete all items before a specified date. - Account info Show name, description, full filename, file length and the number of items in the file. - Close Leave Psibank. Item - New Create an item. - Transfer Transfer to another account. - Update Update an item. - Delete Delete an item. - Find Show all items that fit your selection criteria. - Jump to ... Move the cursor to the first item on a specified date. View - Categories Shows in more detail where you spend your money on and get it from. - Balances Shows the balances of all accounts as of - Balance Pro- Displays a graph of the balances over 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. gress Graph - In vs Out Displays a graph of income and expenditure over 3, 6 or 12 months. Graph - Print Prints all items in the selected period. Settings - Groups Add, replace or delete groups. - Accounts Add, replace or delete accounts. - Categories Add, replace or delete categories. - Standing Add, replace or delete standing orders. orders - Preferences Set general preferences, such as file locations. - International Change international settings. - Password Set or change the password. Special - Import Imports a comma sepatared file. - Export Makes an comma sepateted export file. - About Psibank Shows program information. - Help on Shows Psibank's helpfile. Psibank The following hotkeys can be used: - Enter When the cursor is on an item, update the current record. When the cursor is on the empty line, enter a new record. - Tab When the cursor is on the empty line, enter a transfer. - Del Delete the record the cursor is currently on. (Notice that you can turn this funtion on and off in the preferneces menu.) TERMS OF USE PsiBank is released as freeware, you owe me nothing. I only hope that you will enjoy it. Using PsiBank means you run it at your own risk. It take no responsibility for any bugs you might encounter, nor for their result. However, if you report bugs, I will do my best to solve them. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, read the online help or contact the author by e-mail.