DARK HORIZON INITIAL "READ-ME" Program version: v1.22 Read-me version: v1.00 If you have not previously installed any PocketIQ applications, then you must install the "PIQInfo.SIS" file on your EPOC device, in addition to the Dark Horizon archive. If you have an EPOC machine capable of displaying colour graphics, then you may wish to download the colour artwork archive, which can be found on the PocketIQ website (http://www.PocketIQ.com). For detailed documentation on this game, please refer to the file "readme.txt" that can be found in the directory "/system/apps/DarkHorizon" once the game has been installed. To view this directory, you may need to enable the "Show 'system' folder" option from the "Preferences" item in the "Tools" menu of the "System" screen of your EPOC device. If you have ever run previous versions of Dark Horizon, not that these should be erased first. Also, saved games from previous versions are incompatible with this update to the game. Happy playing! -J Contact information: Dark Horizon: jsg@PocketIQ.com General: jsg@altervisitor.com