Changes with Version 1.6 ======================== 1. Supported Hardware Platforms Series 5/5mx, Ericcson MC218, Revo and Series 7 / Netbook (in colour). 2. Preferences - Display Tab A new tab has been added to thee preferences dialog which allows you to modify the colour / greyscale settings for the card table and background. On hardware which does not support colour do not set the background greyscale to black otherwise some parts of the display will be unreadable. 3. Note for Revo Users The bidding toolbar is arranged differently to that described in the manual in order to accommodate the smaller screen size. Installation ============ The P-Plus Bridge demonstration application is supplied as a SIS file. Follow one of the following sets of instructions to install. Once installed it should appear on the Extras bar. The notes below assume that you have obtained the demo on disk, you may however have downloaded it as a Zip file from a web site or obtained it on CD in which case you will need to substitute an approppriate drive letter (and path name) for A:\ In addition to this readme file and the Bridge.SIS file there are two documentaton files included on the disk, P-Plus which is a highly condensed version of the manual in Psion Word format (which should be coppied over to your Series 5) and P-Plus.doc, a Word 6.0 / 95 version of the same document. Connect the PC and Series5 and open the Bridge.SIS file on this disk. 1. PsiWin 2.1 ------------- In more detail: 1. Connect the serial cable between the PC and Series5. 2. Enable the link on the Series5. 3. On the PC choose Start, Run..., and enter A:\Bridge.sis 4. Click on OK and follow the prompts. 2. PsiWin 2.0 ------------- Install EPOC Install and proceed as for PsiWin 2.1 above. In more detail: 1. Install PsiWin 2.0 if you have not already done so. 2. On the PC choose Start, Run..., and enter A:\Setup 3. Click on OK and follow the instructions on screen. 4. Now proceed as for PsiWin 2.1 above. 3. Other systems ---------------- Copy the SIS file to your Series5 and use Add/Remove from Control Panel. In more detail: 1. Go to stage 4 if your Series5 has an Add/Remove entry in Control Panel. 2. Copy setup.exe from A:\ to the root directory on the Series5. 3. Open setup.exe on the Series5. 4. Copy the SIS file to the root directory on the Series5. 5. Open the SIS file on the Series5.