What is VoiceMan5 ? =================== VoiceMan5 is a Voice Notes manager for your Series 5/5mx. It's a small program which checks to see if you've any Voice Notes recorded on your Psion when you switch your machine on and gives you the option to review them or ignore them until the next switch on. It'll also let you change the drive used to store your Voice Notes on. "As someone who drives quite a bit in my job, I find the Psion's Voice Notes / Recorder facility very handy (once you get over the strangeness of talking to your Psion!) for capturing "to-do's" and ideas as I'm driving along. At least, it works very well so long as you want to review the Voice Notes you've made as soon as you next switch your Psion on. Very often however, I want to do something else when I open my machine again and so Voice Notes gets sent to the background whilst I browse my Agenda, look up a phone number, etc. The problem is that I then invariably forget to review or action the Voice Notes I made when I next switch the machine on. What I wanted was an unobtrusive program that reminded me about pending Voice Notes every time I switched my Psion on again... VoiceMan5 is designed to check this for you. It's a small program that checks to see if you've any Voice Notes recorded on your Psion when you switch your machine on. It's very small and consumes little power or system memory and so can be left to run in the background all the time. VoiceMan5 can also change the default drive used by Voice Notes to record from c: to d: (and visa versa). This can be used in conjunction with the Standard Folder location (specified in the System preferences) to record your Voice Note(s) to wherever you want them. The advantage of recording to the d: drive (i.e. compact flash) is that it gets around the Series 5's 8Mb internal memory limit (16Mb on a 5mx)." VoiceMan5 is available from the Pscience5 and FreEPOC web sites:- ================================================================= The Award Winning FreEPOC website... http://www.freepoc.de Pscience5's website: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/martin_guthrie VoiceMan5 Features List: ======================== * It's free! * Continuously scans in background for Voice Notes recording(s) having been made * If Voice Notes found, will alert the user at each power on (if the Settings have been set to permit the alert at that time) * When alerted, user can either ignore until next power on or select to play Voice Notes * If selected, will either start the Voice Notes file or pull it to the foreground (as appropriate) * Will ignore Voice Notes 'stub' left when Voice Note 'erased' by Record app. * Can switch Voice Notes Drive from C:\ to D:\ (and visa versa) if CF card fitted * When drive changed, will give option to copy or move existing Voice Notes to new drive * Small program size (35Kb inc. Help file) * Uses minimal memory resource when running (~96Kb) * Will automatically close and re-start itself when backing up using PsiWin (version 2.3 or greater) * Designed to work with the EPOC password/owner information screen * Series 5, 5mx, and Ericsson MC218 compatible * Available for English, Dutch, German, Italian, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Danish, and now Czech language machines Changes since last update? ========================== * Danish and Czech language versions added. * New day & time options. I realised that one of the things that used to stop me using the program sometimes was the fact that I tended to use it for work only - and I didn't want to be reminded about work stuff out of work hours. The program can now be configured to remind you about your Voice notes: Any time / Workdays only / Weekends only and between specified times if desired also. Read the Help file or see the 'Settings' section below for details. * There's a new 'Sound Alert' option which plays a nice alert sound if desired at a user-defined volume. NB: This is designed to only play during an actual alert. It won't play if the new Hot-key feature (Ctrl+Fn+V) is used to pull the Alert dialog to the foreground (see below). * There's now Hot-key access to the program. Ctrl+Fn+V triggers the program to look for your Voice notes. If found, it brings up the VoiceMan5 alert screen. If not found, it brings up the Settings screen so you can change those instead. * The program now auto-closes the Help file if it's left open when VoiceMan5 is quit. * VoiceMan5 now works on Danish and Spanish machines - as well as English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish language machines! * Fixed a bug that would crash the program if the Voice notes drive was switched from c: to d: and back again without the appropriate 'Standard folder' directory existing on d: drive... Enjoy. Martin