Extrabars V1.20F release notes ============================== Welcome to ExtraBars V1.20F ExtraBars is the ultimate file launcher for EPOC computers. Based on the standard Extras bar, ExtraBars goes a lot further, allowing you to: - Create up to 100 "extrabars" - Create up to 40 shortcuts per extrabar. - Create shortcuts to applications and documents. - Create REAL folder shortcuts in the system screen or a dialog. - Create shortcuts to web sites. - Create shortcuts to EScript macro applets or Macro5 macro modules - Create Template shortcuts to pre-formatted documents. - Create ClipText shortcuts for signatures, phrases etc. - NEW Create Keypress shortcuts eg Ctrl+Shift+W - NEW Create ExtraBar shortcuts - Launch shortcuts with a single key. - NEW Configure single key launch prefixes - NEW Select icons for shortcuts - Assign hotkeys to any extrabar, allowing fast access to your shortcuts - Assign hotkeys to any shortcut, allowing you to launch shortcuts from anywhere - Move shortcuts around the bar using Shift+ the arrow keys. - Add, Edit and delete shortcut with single pen click and key combinations. - Configure a STARTUP bar to launch all shortcuts when ExtraBars is launched. - Configure a POWERUP bar to launch all shortucts when the machine is switched on (Backlight control, batt checks) - Write powerful macro solutions with the built in EScript commands. - Add macros to menus, and bars, and even manipulate shortcuts and bars using macro code. - Customise every feature from single or double pen clicks, to sound and launch messages. - Use wizards to aid you through starting ExtraBars and creating shortcuts and bars. - Control the Backlight on powerup. - Hide applications on the real Extras bar. If you're an existing user of ExtraBars V1.00 beta build 117 then it is recommended that you delete the icons within the \system\apps\extrabars\data folder (files with .ico extension) before installing this version. This is to refresh your icons with newer versions that enable ExtraBars to refresh it's bars faster. How to install ExtraBars. =================== ExtraBars is broken up into seperate SIS files to ease installation and de-installation of EB and it's components. All EPOC+Plus applications (EB, BL+, Shortcut) require the following SIS file/s:- - EPOCPlusOPX.sis - EScript.sis All EPOCPlus applications require this SIS file to be installed. The remaining SIS files are used to install ExtraBars, EScript and the Macro5 library - Extrabars.sis - Required - Macro5lib.sis - To enable Macro5 support within ExtraBars (optional) To install, shut down all applications and documents on the EPOC machine and run the following files in this order:- EPOCPlusOPX.sis EScript.sis ExtraBars.sis Macro5lib.sis (Please ensure you close all applications on the EPOC machine before you install. This is to ensure that the SIS installation process can overwrite files correctly. In addition, EMACROS.ZIP contains some sample EScript and Backlite+Plus macros to use with ExtraBars. M5MACROS.ZIP contains some sample Macro5 macros for ExtraBars. You may need to specify the default macro folder within the preferences to run some of these macros. Disclaimer ========= Although this application works perfectly well on our machines we do not guarantee that it will on yours. Use of the software is entirely at your own risk, and no guarantee is either offered or infered. License Agreement ================ This product is shareware. Whilst unregistered you are free to use it for an unlimited time or distribute the entire ZIP installation file as long as you do not add/modify or remove files from the ZIP file. Any attempt to crack, reverse engineer or otherwise tamper with this application or its registrations system is a breach of the license agreement and you will be held personally responsible. The author and distributer take no responsibility for any distruction of data that may or may not occur should this application be tampered with. Anyone wishing to create EScript macro solutions that work directly with the ExtraBars file format is recommended to contact the author for assistance to ensure consistancy for end users and to minimise support issues. Please evaluate this application and if you continue to use it after 30 days, please register and support the shareware philosophy. Enjoy using Extrabars Check for updates on www.palmscape.com and www.epocplus.com All Comments to jasonk@epocplus.com More information on Palmscape ============================= Palmscape are the market leaders in shareware development for the Palmtop community. We have a wide range of products available for your favourite PDA. For more information visit us online at http://www.palmscape.com or contact our office at: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1234 353970