******* ToastMaster ******* by Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers *version 1.2* Sept. 2001 *** Quick Start *** ToastMaster is a program for the Psion 5/Revo/Mako that will help you giving toasts, seminar talks or speeches. In a way it is an oral presentation manager. This is how it works: You prepare a list of terms (words) in Psions Word application. Each paragraph must contain one word and the word must not be longer than 26 letters (to fit the screen). You save this file as a text file and add the extension .txt (to be recognised by ToastMaster). Now you start ToastMaster and import the text file into the program. A full screen will open and all you do is scroll through your list of words (using the arrow keys). The active word, as well as the time and the number of words are shown in large fonts. You can nicely see it. In smaller fonts the previous and next words and the file opened are displayed. Press Esc to get back to the menu. NOTE: When you first open ToastMaster the file welcome.tm is opend. To exit the Presentation Screen press ESC. *** Installation *** ToastMaster comes as a SIS file and must be installed on drive C! *** More Info *** Once you started ToastMaster you can excess the inbuild help from the menu! *** Installation *** ToastMaster comes zipped with two files. The file you just read (readme.txt) needs not to be installed on the Psion. The file toasts.sis can be executed from either the PC (if you have PsiWin) or from the Psion 5/Revo/Mako. It will create the folder ToastMaster in the c:\system\apps\ folder. A program icon named Toasts will then appear in the extras menu. *** Registration *** Toastmaster is freeware but the presentation will shut down after 10 min. You should register for free to disable the time limit by sending me an email with your Name (at least 5 letters) and your email address. In return you will get your personal registration code. Why is that? - Well, I like to keep track on the number of users and encourage you to give me comments to improve the program. I hope you support this idea and register :-) The email address is rw@biowasserstoff.de *** Terms of usage *** Feel free to use and distribute the program when you agree to: *************************************************************************** ** not to sell it ** keep the package together ** ** tell me were you place it for download ** *************************************************************************** Any comments are welcome! I do not take any responsibility for the results of using the program, neither physically, nor mentally. Contact me: rw@biowasserstoff.de New versions can be found at http://members.tripod.de/roebbe/