*** THE REAL BUFFER *** by Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers; rw@biowasserstoff.de ; version 2.1 intened for use with the Psion Revo, 5, 5mx and Mako *** Introduction *** Buffers are intensively used in Chemistry, Biochemistry and molecular biology to maintain a preset pH value in a aqueous solution. Yet, the buffer properties are influenced by not only by the buffer substance but as well by the temperature, the ionic strength of the solution and other parameters. THE REAL BUFFER takes this into consideration and calculates the amount of buffer substance to use and how to titrate. It uses a database containing the most common buffer substances used, and which can be altered by the user. *** Installation *** Before you install TheRealBuffer please uninstall any previous version!!! The programs zip file containing the file you just read (readme.txt; needs not to be on the Psion) and a sis archive. You can install TheRealBuffer via the PC-connection (PsiWin) or directly from the Psion. The program icon should then appear in the extras menu. If your Psion uses a comma ',' to separate decimals as in 3,14 then you have to switch your decimal separator to a dot instead. You do that by entering the system screen and choose international settings/numbers. *** How to use *** The program is still damn simple. You will first be asked if you like to get a list of buffer names of pKa's. The latter should be your choice if you like to have a specific pH since the program only allows pH's +/- 1 pKa. In the next screen you enter buffer parameters as volume, concentration, pH, temperature you make the buffer at, temperature you use the buffer at, and you choose the buffer or pKa (according to your previous selection). In the following window you will be asked if you like to set a ionic strength and, if so, with which salt. Finally you get the desired results... The thermodynamic pKa corresponds to the value ignoring temperature and ionic strength effects, whereas the apparent pKa reflects the changes due to those effects. *** Note *** I would very much like to release a big lab package. That has basically two implications for you. First, you might find updates with more features, and second you are asked to join the project! Contact me and visit my web page. I like to thank Ching-Chang Chen from Taiwan for the suggestion to adapt TheRealBuffer for Psion Revo users and testing version 2.0 r. *** Terms of usage *** Feel free to use and distribute the program when you agree to: ***************************************************************************** ** not to sell it * tell me about your changes in the database ** ** keep the package together * tell me were you place it for download ** ***************************************************************************** I would be glad to receive new database entries. Your name will be mentioned! Ask me if you like to receive the source code. Any comments are welcome! I do not take any responsibility for the results of using the program, neither physically, nor mentally (just imagine you perform the 10.000$ experiment and it fails do to the buffer - in the end it might turn out that you read Fahrenheit instead of Celsius - that's your baby). New versions or data can be found at http://members.tripod.de/roebbe/