****************************************** OplRev ****************************************** Copyright (c) 2001 Ivo Woltring Freeware Version 1.00 *** New Release """ Created: 2001/09/05 Table of contents 1. File contents 2. Introduction 3. Upgrading 4. Installation 5. History 6. Wishes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. FILE CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The compressed file OplRev.zip contains 3 files: OplRev.sis Disclaimer.txt Readme.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This very small app makes the OPL reference database (version 1.0) available through the extras bar. I think it very useful. I want to thank the makers of Opl.hlp (whoever they may be) because I use the reference database all the time. I hope you all find this small proggy useful. The Opl.hlp file is provided in the original form. No changes have been made in any way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. UPGRADING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ none ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. There are 2 methods to install OplRev depending on where you have copied the .sis file and what setup you have; - On a PC with PsiWin From the Windows Explorer double click the .sis file, this will automatically install OplRev onto your machine. If that doesn't work right click the My Psion icon and click the Install New Program option. If you do not have the Install New Program option then download setup.exe from our site or from Poisons' site install it and try again. - On a EPOC machine Tap the .sis file to install, if this does not work then you do not have the Add/Remove utility, in this case download instexe.exe from our site, or psions' site and copy it to your machine and try again. 2. Now press Extras|OplRev, to start. 3. To uninstall goto the Control Panel, tap the Add/Remove icon, select OplRev and finally press the Remove button. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. HISTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.00 - First public release ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. WISHES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - none ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the latest version of OplRev and to download more programs visit: http://home.hetnet.nl/~TheDolphin/Epoc Enjoy, Ivo Woltring.