Changes to Clock5 since v1.85
* Clock5 now lets you have up to GMT+13hrs for cities in the Dual
Zone view and the Multi Zone view.  For example, this means you can
correctly set times for New Zealand in Summer Time.  My thanks to
Geoff Watson in Auckland for pointing out this deficiency. 

* Clock5 now has an option in the 'Set Password' menu that'll
automatically disable the Remote Link when Clock5's password is
enabled - a little extra security! 

Changes to Clock5 since v1.82
* Clock5 is now Osaris compatible (as well as Revo, S7, netBook, etc.)!
It was a tight squeeze getting everything in (especially the Calendar view)
but I think it looks pretty good - nice to see some analog clocks on the
Osaris too.  Having said that, sound playback seems to be an issue on the
Osaris so one or two things didn't make it - the voice and chimes have had
to be disabled (and so needn't be installed on the Osaris), as has the
SweetDreams mode.  Everything else is there though.

* Tim Sneller pointed out that it was impossible to add a city name such
as Tel Aviv to the World Time: Multi zone view because pressing the
space bar when entering the name caused the dialog box to think that
you'd pressed the 'OK & Repeat' button.  I've now changed this button
to use Ctrl+R to fix this.

* 'Marko' discovered a bug in the Calendar view when running on the Revo.
If the date changed, the calendar changed but the date under the clock didn't
- now fixed.

* Changed the look of the Calendar display when running on the Revo.  I've
removed the 'direction' buttons and replaced them with the same 'curled
edges' that Clock5 uses on other machines.  It makes the display look much
better I think.

* Increased the delay slightly between the counting hour chimes - thanks to
Rostislav Psota for this suggestion.

* Fixed a bug when running on a Series 7 / netBook.  In order to have the
colour icon replace the B&W one on the Extras bar, S7/netBook users had
to soft reset their machines - not exactly user friendly!  Now the colour icon
will automatically replace the B&W one after the program is first run.  My
thanks to Phil Spencer at Symbian for his advice.

* Fixed a bug in the Worldtime: Multi Zone view.  The am/pm indicators
didn't display correctly if the home city was far east of GMT (e.g. Asia,
Australia, etc.) and the selected city/cities were much west of GMT (e.g.
the USA). Now fixed.  My thanks to Peter Kleiss in Melbourne for pointing
this out.

Changes to Clock5 since v1.81
* Clock5 is now Revo, Series 7, and netBook compatible!  :-)

* Richard Chaplin found a bug when setting an alarm in Clock5.  Basically,
setting any alarm in the last 5 minutes of the hour caused the program to
crash.  This has now been fixed.

* Fixed the Tab button in the WorldTime: MultiZone view which wasn't
depressing correctly.

* Changed the 'OK & Repeat' key in the Change Cities option of WorldTime:
MultiZone from Tab to Space so as to allow the Tab key to bring up a scroll
box in the cities and GMT Offsets lists.

* Christopher Hurley spotted a bug whereby if you changed the Digital clock
settings in Program Options whilst displaying either the Mystify screensaver
or the Big analog clock, the screen stopped running or became semi-
transparent...!  This has now been fixed.

* Nigel Molyneux spotted a related bug.  If you've had Clock5 running
with the Logo display (say) running and you used Settings|Program options to
Invert or Reverse the digital views (whilst still in Logos view) and _then_
switched to one of the digital views, the digital view would start with a
greatly oversized clock.  Also, if you did this repeatedly (about 15 times),
you could crash Clock5.  Both these bugs have now been fixed.

* Kevin Davison discovered that Clock5 wouldn't close from the 'Open files/
folders' screen or via PsiWin if either the program Menu was open or the
chimes were playing.  It still doesn't do these things but at least now it
will display a 'busy' message in the 'Open files/folders' list if you try it.

* Rostislav Psota found a bug whereby if the alarm was set to go off at the
hour and the chimes were set also, the alarm would go off and Clock5 would
get stuck in the background trying to play chimes that wouldn't play.  It'll
now either time-out after 45 seconds or come to foreground when you use the
Hot-key (Ctrl+Menu).

* Improved the look of the Clock5 icon - and added colour for the S7/netBook

* Justin Barley pointed out (some time ago actually - sorry Justin!) that the
chimes struck the full hour (albeit without the hours themselves) at 15
minutes before the hour.  This has now been fixed.

Changes to Clock5 since v1.80
* Added the FreEPOC dialogs and details to the Help file.

* Added the latest version (v5.01) of Symbian's SysRAM1.sis
installation file to the file.

* Some minor changes to the Stopwatch views to accomodate some
of the language translations.

* Olivier Peyrat kindly pointed out that Clock5 would crash if a
countdown (or countup) elapsed whilst Clock5 was in the background.
This has now been fixed.

* Justin Barley pointed out that Clock5 would crash when you went to
Menu/Program Options if the Standard Folder wasn't set on your
machine.  I've now fixed this.

* Justin also pointed out that the Chimes volume didn't seem to be
varying with its volume control.  In fact both it and the voice volume
were working off the voice volume setting!  Ahem.  Now fixed.

Changes to Clock5 since v1.79
* A count-down and count-up stopwatch has been added to the available
views.  Access via the main menu or by using Ctrl+N and Ctrl+U
respectively.  The Stopwatch runs off the system clock and so should
handle both multi-tasking with other programs and switch-offs without
any problem.

* The Help file has been greatly  enhanced to better describe many of
Clock5's recently added features.

* All the calendars in Clock5 now automatically check what day is set in
the system as the first day of the week and adjust themselves accordingly.
This is primarily aimed at North American users who tend to call Sunday
the first day of the week v's us Europeans who say that Monday is the first
day of the week.  The program doesn't care any more - it'll quite happily
show Wednesday as being the first day of the week if that's what you've
set in the Control Panel...!

* Rostislav Psota was kind enough to point out to me that even though 24hr
clocks are common on the continent, they still only use 12hr chimes!  I was
unsure of this when I wrote that code.  I've now fixed it so that all clocks
will only chime up to 12 times.  :-)

* Alan Foo CheeLun pointed out that at midnight the chimes just kept on
chiming and didn't stop!  Woops...  Thanks for that Alan.  Now fixed.

* Added the option (under Program Options) to display a leading zero in
24 hour digital clock mode.  I.e. 08:23 instead of 8:23.

* Changed the digital clocks so that 0:00 (or 00:00!) now shows as 12:00am
instead of 0:00am.  0:00 remains for the 24 hour digital clocks however.

* Changed the funtion of the Tab key in both the digital clocks so that it
toggles between 12hr and 24hr mode.  This seemed like a more useful
function to me than toggling between an inverted display and non-inverted

* A couple of people had mentioned that their home town name was quite
large and that it wouldn't fit into the Worldtime: Multi Zone view where it
shows the home town name.  The program now auto-scales the size of the
text (up to a point) to help it fit.

* Fixed some of the power consumption issues that had begun to creep in
to previous versions.  Clock5 should once again be frugal with your
batteries!  My thanks to Jim Turnbull for reminding me about this.

* I've gone back to packaging the various OPX installation files separately
again (e.g. Systinfo.sis).  Various people have had problems installing
previous versions of Clock5 when these files were built in.

Changes to Clock5 since v1.78�2
* Hourly, half-hourly, and quarter-hourly chimes have been added to Clock5
based on the Westminster chimes. There's a new option under the Clock5
menu to enable or disable them and they're configurable via the Settings/
Program Options menu.  The new Chimes folder (in system/apps/Clock5/)
can be deleted to save space if the chimes are not required and the program
will detect this and 'grey out' the Enable Chimes option...  Alternatively you
can replace the Wesminster chimes I've used with sound files of your own -
just use the same names and the program will be happy.

* The chimes (if enabled) will also play when Clock5 is in the background.
Use Clock5's Hot-Key (Ctrl+Menu) to silence them (unless 'Sleep Mode' is
active in which case any letter key should do it).

* The program now also looks for the Voice folder (in system/apps/Clock5/)
and will 'grey out' the Voice Time option (as above for the chimes) if the
Voice files are not present.

* Tweaked the sound playing routine (i.e. for Voice Time and Chimes) so
that all the animated displays keep on running now whilst the sound is playing
- e.g. Digital Seconds, Mystify, etc. 

* Fixed a bug in the Logos view when running on a 5mx.  Psion have moved
the location around of some of their logos in the ROM and this could cause
the program to crash...

* Fixed another small bug in the Logos view which could crash the program
if a logo had a long filename (more than 11 characters).

* Fixed a minor bug in the Mystify views where the polygon(s) would some-
times get 'trapped' at the edge of the screen and/or bounce beyond the edge
of the screen.

* Tweaked the background keyboard scanning routine again.  I'd previously
told it to ignore the letters 'y' and 'n' and the Space bar.  However, this
causing problems for people when typing quickly with 'Sleep Mode' enabled.
I've now removed this restriction which should fix the problem.

Changes to Clock5 since v1.78
* Clock5 is now ER5 compatible.  I.e. it should now work on the new 5mx
machine as well as the Series5/Geofox.  Also, all the  OPX files that were
previously packaged as seperate .SIS installation files (e.g. Sysram1.sis)
are now package inside Clock5.sis for easy installation.
* Fixed a small bug whereby I'd forgotten to disable the Ctrl+Esc 'backdoor' -
now fixed.

* Clock5's password interface has been greatly enhanced.  Users had previously
commented that all that could be done once the password had been entered was
navigate Clock5's options via the Menu.  There are now options (both via
buttons and via the normal shortcut keys) to disable the password immediately
upon entry, to send Clock5 to the background, or to revert to the menu as

Changes to Clock5 since v1.76
* Clock5 can now act as a speaking clock.  There's a new option under the
main Clock5 menu called 'Voice Time (Ctrl+V)' and you can choose the volume
that you want the voice played at - see 'Program Options'.  The SweetDreams
function has also benefited from this option and both SweetDreams and Voice
Time can be stopped at any time by pressing any key (previously Sweet Dreams
could only be stopped in between words).

* There's now an option to add a Clock5 icon to your Standard Folder (usually
c:/Documents/) in the - now renamed - Program Options menu.

* The location of the Clock.ini file has been changed so that it's always kept
on c: drive (i.e. in c:\system\apps\clock5\) whether the app is installed to
c: or d: drive.  The reason for this is that I was advised by Malcolm Bryant
(author of the excellent freeware banking program, abp) that Symbian recomend
that all .ini files are stored on c:.  This apparently because in a low
situation, the machine may refuse to write to a CF card even though it'll
write okay to c: drive.  I've also associated the .ini file with the Clock5

* The options have been split out slightly under the Settings/Sleep Time menu
dialog to allow the sleep timer to be active with - or without - the keyboard
activity monitor being active when in the background.

* There's a new option under the View/Logos/Choose logo menu dialog to cycle
through the available logos, changing each after a preset time.  Therfore you
could - if you wanted to - use a number of full-screen images to act as
wallpaper in Clock5.

Changes to Clock5 since v1.75
* A new time view has been created: Worldtime - Multi Zone.  This sets
up 12 clocks to show the time in different cities.  The first clock is
set for your home town location (taken from the Time app) and the others
can be set as required by pressing the 'Tab' key or the "Worldtime" button
on the screen.  You can also choose to switch between analog and digital
or to remove the borders between the different clocks.

* Added a tweak to the Logos view so that using a 640x240 mbm (or 640x320 mbm)
on a Geofox - i.e. a full-screen image no longer jiggles the image.  It now
static so that it can be used as 'wallpaper'!

Changes to Clock5 since v1.74
* Fixed a v1.74 bug in the background activity monitor whereby it would crash
if brought to the foreground with the password enabled - sorry about that!
This new keyboard scanning routine now places far less load on the Psion -
means that there's now negligible delay in typing in other apps whilst Clock5
'scanning' in the background.

* Added 2 new options to the 'Viewing Options' menu that lets you display
the digital seconds or the digital minutes clock as an inverse image and/or
the digits' image/shadows reversed.  Pressing 'Tab' in either view also
the image inversion.