ContactX Contacts book searcher PURPOSE ContactX allows for using multiple contacts databases, and provides one-step searching through these files while creating extracts and maintaining backups. SETUP ContactX runs under Macro5, © Pascal Nicolas. Install SYSTINFO.SIS and CNTOPX.SIS, and copy ContactC.opo to the Macros folder. Create one or more new contacts files, e.g. by converting data type files to contacts (using DataContact, © Pascal Nicolas), and place these files in a folder on C or D disk. This will be the search folder. If you don't have any new files then copy the supplied "Developers.cdb" for demonstration. On first run the program will prompt you to indicate the search folder. The existing Contacts database will be saved to this folder as "My contacts.cdb"; if a file with this name already exists it will be replaced. Optionally check the 'Keep backups' box, hit OK and select a folder for storage of backup files (this can be the same as the search folder). A directory C:\System\Apps\ContactX\ will be created, including a ContactX.ini file. This concludes the initialisation. USAGE On running ContactX a text entry box is presented. If you wish to change data search folder or backup folder press Files (Ctrl+F). Enter any text referring to first name, last name or company name and hit OK, or alternatively enter a text string and choose Ctrl+A for search in all fields. If matching contacts are found in only one database, this database is copied to Contacts and the search result is presented. If a match appears in more than one file, you will be prompted to select the preferred database. Hit Esc to search again. A search with no entry text allows to select any .cdb file in the search folder, or to update in case there is only one file. The Contacts database, if exchanged and if modified, will be stored to the data search folder under its representative name, replacing the earlier version or moving it to the backup folder if opted. Please note that backups may be overwritten by files with identical names from different source folders. In the file selector dialog, choose Ctrl+R to restore earlier versions of the selected database. If there are backups you get more restore options. If ContactX quits while the message "Contacts store in use" is displayed, then not all applications (clients) calling upon the Contacts database were closed within reasonable time. If this persists on rerunning ContactX, then manually detach (close) the clients that are still open. Common clients besides Contacts are the applications Email, Phone (Revo) and PhoneMan (Zenobyte Ltd). The 'All text' search function is different from the option in Contacts, and more powerful. Besides scanning name fields as in the normal search function, it checks the combined presence of text strings in all fields and searches through the loaded database. Use it if you have scattered information on the aimed contact, entering * to separate text that may appear in different fields (such as "john*london*@"). CONTACTS FILE EXPORT As of version 2.90, ContactX features the option to export matching contacts to a new contacts file. This allows to: • view only the matching contacts in the Contacts window, which often is impossible whithin the existing file(s); • import a list of selected contacts into other applications like Word, Data or spreadsheets (via Malcolm Bryant's freeware "C2F" program). The export feature is always invoked by choosing the 'All text' option, if a search string is entered which contains an * preceded by text (such as "John*London" or "John*"). The new contacts file will be written to the search folder, where it will be available for further manipulation just like the existing files. HISTORY Version Bytes Date Modifications 5.00 16785 25 aug 2001 • final• loads book if Contacts store not found on C or D• closing Contacts store updated for PhoneMan 4.00 16489 22 jun 2001 • full support of switching to other disk• enhanced routine for closing Contacts store• recovers temporary file after program abortion• file recognition no longer case sensitive 3.95 14870 15 may 2001 • enhanced file saving 3.90 14864 21 apr 2001 • restore algorithm modified 3.85 14877 14 apr 2001 • fixed restoring after re-installing backup folder 3.75 14824 26 feb 2001 • fixed minor bugs on System\Temp folders 3.65 14792 18 jan 2001 • searching not skipped after changing folders 3.60 14798 15 jan 2001 • credit line removed from 'About'• detects read-only contacts files 3.55 14496 06 jan 2001 • recent flaw on 'All text' search fixed 3.50 14512 08 nov 2000 • final amendments 3.45 14444 01 nov 2000 • name search with * allowed 3.40 14370 29 oct 2000 • bug with single book fixed 3.35 14370 20 oct 2000 • allows contacts files in System folder if visible• all contacts files on C or D disk enabled 3.25 12941 01 jul 2000 • code synchronised with ContactC 1.00 • skips searching on identical search request 3.20 12786 08 apr 2000 • restore messaging completed 3.15 12781 15 mar 2000 • language independent on 5mx and Revo 3.05 12691 05 mar 2000 • closes & reopens common Contacts clients • tested OK on the UK Revo 3.00 12300 01 mar 2000 • single book handling upgraded • restores source folder if not found 2.90 12145 18 feb 2000 • matching contacts exported to new database • general control and protection enhancements • unique match searching in loaded Contacts.cdb • clipboard not affected if no search text 2.80 7203 20 jan 2000 • 'About' added • backup control added • all text search refined 2.65 6848 18 dec 1999 • fully language independent 2.62 6773 03 dec 1999 • book selector width restrained 2.52 6773 30 oct 1999 • unique match forwarding in all text search 2.50 6510 23 oct 1999 • multiple field search added in all text search 2.42 6261 21 oct 1999 • long names allowed • proper comma handling in book selector • tabs treated as spaces in name search 2.40 5948 11 oct 1999 • code synchronised with ContactW 1.20 • book selector changed • search string ends up in clipboard • boosted search for single words 2.30 6073 07 oct 1999 • Contacts.cdb on D disk enabled 2.20 5989 04 oct 1999 • fixed flaw in search routine 2.10 5936 02 oct 1999 • name search algorithm upgraded • initiation facilitated • not released 2.00 5049 30 sep 1999 • searches for text within contacts databases • manages/compresses contacts files • optionally maintains/restores backups • not released 1.10 1731 22 sep 1999 • code refined; no operational changes • not released 1.00 1698 10 sep 1999 • first public release • added 'about' and directions at initial startup 1.00b1 1475 03 sep 1999 • first beta release COPYRIGHT All rights reserved by the author. DISCLAIMER The author waives responsibility for any adverse consequence of using this program; running it is allowed under the condition that the user accepts the full risk of use. CREDITS To Pascal Nicolas for Macro5, to Richard Smedley for SafeOPL, to Joachim Maier for support with the German 5mx and to Julian Brooks for support with the UK Revo. KNOWN ISSUES ContactX was written on the UK 5mx, and tested on the UK and German 5mx and UK Revo. All known issues originate from the Contact.opx library, version 1.00. It is yet unknown when EPOC will have the opx debugged. • The contents of the "Job title" field are ignored in searches. • When exporting, fields in contacts that were imported from other vCard applications may not be recognised. These will be passed as "– failed –", where the – has character code 150. Known failures involve address fields, following synchronisation with MS Outlook and MS Schedule. Set the sync path to a fixed database in the search folder to avoid accidental mixing with other contacts that may be momentarily loaded. • Per contact, no more than two fields with contents larger than 255 characters can be written to a new contacts file; the remaining will be passed as "– failed –". • The "PO box" fields are not copied to the new contacts file. FEEDBACK Please mail your findings to: Frans Franken Latest version and more at: