ContactC ContactCopy UPGRADE NOTICE This applies only if you are upgrading from earlier versions. Before using ContactC version 5.00, copy UpgrC500.opo to the Macros folder and run it as a macro once; then delete UpgrC500.opo. This will upgrade the fields databases. Do not use on fields databases zipped with version 5.00. PURPOSE ContactC brings data from Contacts to your documents in a fully customisable fashion. It was designed as a tool for addressing Word documents such as letters and faxes. SETUP ContactC runs under Macro5, © Pascal Nicolas. Install SYSTINFO.SIS and CNTOPX.SIS; copy ContactC.opo to the Macros folder; create a folder for storage of field code databases and copy the "All fields", "Fax fields", "Private" and "Business" databases to this folder. At first startup you will be prompted to select one of these fields databases. A directory C:\System\Apps\ContactC\ will be created, including files ContactC.dat and ContactC.ini. This concludes the initialisation. USAGE Usage is evident: • Run ContactC; • Enter any text referring to first name, last name or company name of the recipient and hit OK, or alternatively enter a text string and choose Ctrl+A for search in all fields (in this option use * to separate text that may appear in different fields); • Matching contacts will be shown; pick the one you are looking for or refine the search (use Ctrl+V to paste the search string, e.g. as search input for ContactX); • For switching fields database or changing field settings press Fields (Ctrl+F). If you choose Copy (Ctrl+C) from the last dialog, field labels and contact data will be written to the clipboard; use Ctrl+V to paste. Hitting OK will directly paste contact data in the foreground document, provided that direct pasting has not been disabled for the target application. COPY/PASTE By default, direct pasting has been disabled with the applications Bombs, Calc, Record, Spell, System and Macro5. Pressing either Copy or OK will write field labels and contact data to the clipboard in these cases. For changing the default settings an add-on macro is available. To obtain this macro please send a request to the author, indicating your machine type and language version. ADDRESSING ContactC was designed for addressing Word documents, such as letters and faxes: • Create a Word template using field codes as set in the "All fields" database (templates "ContactC.tpl" and "Fax.tpl" supplied), or adapt the codes in the database to suit existing templates; • Create a new document based on this template; • Run ContactC, find the recipient and press OK. If the foreground document is a non-empty Word document and the addressing flag is set (see below), the field codes in the document will be replaced with the corresponding address data of the recipient. Here Ctrl+V pastes the recipients first + last name or company name. The document is saved before addressing; revert to saved if you don't like the result (Ctrl+R). The code replacement works by sending keys to Word, using Macro5 commands. In order to allow Word to keep up with this process it is slowed down. The time required for addressing can be significantly reduced by deleting unused codes from the fields database. FIELD DATABASES You can create separate field databases for different tasks (such as "Fax fields") and customise the pasting behaviour for each task using settings. Field names in the databases may be changed freely. Do not modify the ID numbers, which identify the fields to be called from the Contacts database. The ID sequence is Contacts default; nr 33 (birthday) is left out since the Contact.opx does not support the date format. Settings may be specified from the View option (Ctrl+V) in the Fields dialog. Keep the Settings record (ID=0) in top of the database for convenient updating. If it is in another position you may manually paste modified settings from the clipboard. Flags a=0 addressing disabled a=1 addressing enabled f=0 no field labels pasted f=1 field labels from contacts store f=2 field labels from fields database b=0 forced line break after contact data (Shift+Enter) b=1 new paragraph after contact data (Enter) y=0 year in four digits y=1 year in two digits s=0 time without seconds s=1 time with seconds Numeric r=# number of tabs before field labels t=# number of tabs between field labels and data • valid nrs of tabs are 0 thru 4; default is 1 n=### maximum paste length of name data strings (field ID's 1 thru 5) l=### maximum paste length of other data strings (field ID's 6 thru 34) • valid string lengths are 0 thru 250; default is 250 Text i=? index; this single-digit string is internally appended to all field codes specified in the fields dbase (space is ignored) Syntax • default values for flags and text are zero c.q. null • if a flag or text is expected, only the single digit directly behind the = is read • if a numeric is expected, only the first 3 figures directly behind the = are read • for flags, any reading other than zero, space, or 1 is interpreted as 2 HISTORY Version Bytes Date Modifications 5.00 15388 25 aug 2001 • final • uses ContactX search book if suitable • line breaks flag inverted • new default settings for data string lengths 2.00 14786 22 jun 2001 • not released • code synchronised with ContactX 4.00 • re-arranged settings 1.90 14735 01 may 2001 • setting added for line breaks 1.85 14669 07 feb 2001 • fixed minor flaw on search skipping 1.80 14642 01 feb 2001 • selected contact added to final fields dialog 1.75 14591 28 jan 2001 • displays ContactX contacts book name 1.70 14295 22 jan 2001 • fixed bug with fields after database switching 1.65 14308 18 jan 2001 • save settings confirmation dialog changed 1.60 14305 15 jan 2001 • credit lines removed from 'About' • final amendments • unlocks read-only field databases 1.55 14388 14 jan 2001 • settings accessible from program 1.45 12660 08 jan 2001 • layout of final dialog changed 1.40 12650 06 jan 2001 • flaw fixed: Word foregrounded after pasting 1.35 12652 01 jan 2001 • operational for add-on 1.25 12562 31 dec 2000 • prepared for add-on 1.20 12368 01 nov 2000 • name search with * blocked 1.15 12294 21 oct 2000 • fields dbases not allowed in ContactC.ini folder 1.10 12191 20 oct 2000 • allows fields dbases in System folder if visible • checks active contacts store (C or D disk) 1.00 11853 10 may 2000 • first release COPYRIGHT All rights reserved by the author. DISCLAIMER The author waives responsibility for any adverse consequence of using this program; running it is allowed under the condition that the user accepts the full risk of use. CREDITS To Pascal Nicolas for Macro5 and support on clipboard functions, to Huub Linthorst for date and time routines, to Richard Smedley for SafeOPL and to Joachim Maier for support with the German 5mx. KNOWN ISSUES ContactC was written on the UK 5mx, and tested on the UK and German 5mx. All known issues originate from the Contact.opx library, version 1.00. It is yet unknown when EPOC will have the opx debugged. • The contents of the "Job title" field are ignored in searches. • Fields in contacts that were imported from other vCard applications may not be recognised. These will be pasted as "– failed –", where the – has character code 150. Known failures involve address fields, following synchronisation with MS Outlook and MS Schedule. FEEDBACK Please mail your findings to: Frans Franken Latest version and more at: