Yet Another Euro Converter (C) Copyright Simone Puglioli 2001 ___________ Description This application for Psion series 5 lets you convert from/to any currency. Immediately after installation is preset with the European Monetary Union currencies and exchange rates, but this configuration can be customized as you want. The reference currency is the euro, that's the reason of the name (apart a tribute to the glorious YACC !) Main features: - fully customizable (currency code, exchange rate, number of decimals) - easy-to-use (just use the pen) - manage every currency (not only EMU) - use system settings for decimal and thousands separators - most common functions ready available via screen buttons - very small size (only 10 K) _______________ Program Details Name : YAEC Version : 1.10 Release Date : 02 August 2001 Copyright : Simone Puglioli EMail : PUGLIOLI_SIMONE@LILLY.COM WWW : _________________________ Installation Instructions 1. Unpack the Zip file to your PC or your Psion. 2. On the PC: Double click on the file YAEC.SIS. This will start the PC automatic installation of YAEC. On the Psion: Double tap on the file YAEC.SIS. This will start the Psion automatic installation of YAEC. YAEC should now be accessible to you by the Extras icon. NB version upgrades will maintain any previous currency customization __________ Disclaimer This program is supplied as free software. You agree to use this software completely at your own risk and in no circumstances may the author be liable for any losses whatsoever. This package is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This program is protected under international copyright laws. You may not disassemble, view the binary code or reverse translate the software without the express written permission of the author. ________________ Releases history version 0.91 - beta (10/04/2001) first release distributed version 0.92 - beta (17/05/2001) fixed bug generating error in LOADFILE procedure when deleting a currency code and the last code of the list is in use version 1.00 (01/06/2001) added thousands separator option; improved application stability and error handling version 1.10 (02/08/2001) added switch function; improved application error management; fixed minor bugs when menu items were activated by the Ctrl key _____ Notes It was reported that the application doesn't work on some machines of type SERIES 5 R1, due to a compatibility problem of this O.S. version with the new SQL database management functions introduced with the Series 5 machines. I'm still investigating if and how is possible to fix the problem. In the meanwhile I'm glad to thank Richard Sadowsky for his kind support in the investigation.