Yet Another Snake Game (C) Copyright Simone Puglioli 2001 ___________ Description This application for Psion series 5 is a very simple clone of the old famous arcade game known as 'Snake' or 'Worm'. In a rectangular arena you control the movements of a restless snake who wants nothing but to eat all the numbers (its food!) that randomly appear (and after a while disappear) on the screen. When the snake eats a food number, its length increases of the same value. Be careful when moving around the screen: the snake dies if it hits the side walls of the arena or bites its body (so don't try to reverse your direction)! You can change the direction of the snake using either the keyboard (with the arrow keys) or the pen (just tap on the screen and the snake moves its way towards the pen). When using the latter option keep in mind that the snake is attracted by the first touch on the screen, not by the pen movement. Main features: - different level of difficulty (speed, size, scoring) - movement controlled by keyboard or pen - sound enabling based on system setting - very small size (only 8 K) - automatically fit to every EPOC32 machine screen (from Revo to 7) _______________ Program Details Name : YASG Version : 1.00 Release Date : 06 September 2001 Copyright : Simone Puglioli EMail : PUGLIOLI_SIMONE@LILLY.COM WWW : _________________________ Installation Instructions 1. Unpack the Zip file to your PC or your Psion. 2. On the PC: Double click on the file YASG.SIS. This will start the PC automatic installation of YASG. On the Psion: Double tap on the file YASG.SIS. This will start the Psion automatic installation of YASG. YASG should now be accessible to you by the Extras icon. __________ Disclaimer This program is supplied as free software. You agree to use this software completely at your own risk and in no circumstances may the author be liable for any losses whatsoever. This package is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This program is protected under international copyright laws. You may not disassemble, view the binary code or reverse translate the software without the express written permission of the author. ________________ Releases history version 1.00 (06/09/2001) first version released _____ Notes Because of memory limits, the game score has an hard coded ceiling of 1000. Should this become an hindrance for anybody, please let me know. If you provide me with an uncounterfeit screen shot showing an index overflow error with a score close to 1000, I'll be happy to release a new version with higher score bounds and with your name engraved in the game gallery of fame (i.e. the About screen) ;-)