You can check whether a more recent version of ExAb is available at my website: http://website/ ExAb will be installed by running the ExAb.SIS file in this ZIP. Before installation, please make sure that you close Macro5, Assistant, Extrabars, Hotkeys, Merlin, or any other Macro5- compatible macro starter and any previous program version of ExAb. Plugins are special macros which extend ExAb's functionality. They are installed to a default folder \Macros\. Plugin CMerge uses the ER5 Contacts database. When you install onto an S5 Classic you may want to abort the installation procedure when the installation program prompts you to add CMerge. As Plugins are Macro5 macros they need special Macro5 procedures to run. These are installed to folder \System\OPX\. Note, you don't need Macro5 itself or any other macro program to run macros. ExAb can do so by itself. Users of previous macro versions of ExAb can keep their ExAb database files. They need to be manually transferred from folder \Macros\ExAb\ to folder \System\Apps\ExAb\ExAbData\ after installation. When ExAb doesn't function properly, delete file ExAb.INI in folder \System\Apps\ExAb\. It will be re-created at startup. To free up some diskspace, after installation you may delete ExAb.WRD and ExAb.HLP from \System\Apps\ExAb\ and the WRD files corresponding to the various Plugins, which are stored in folder \Macros\. ExAb is by no means a static, once released - never updated program. It is the result of years of programming and optimisation and user's feedback has been crucial for its development into the versatile text manipulation suite it is now. Therefore, if you like ExAb, please register! Enjoy ExAb Huub