                            Version 1.0.1
                            (c)JBSoft 1998


JB5Utils is for the Series 5 and Geofox palmtop machines. It is a
small selection of utilities that search the drives for specific
instances. Currently the options are to Search For or Within any file,
Duplicate files, Large files and Temporary files. It is also possible
to show the Space used by directories. There is also the possibility
of expansion of the programs to be run.

The program is supplied as SIS files which will be installed from your
PC using PsiWin or, assuming you have already installed an SIS file
(such as the Message Suite), you can also install them on the Psion

At the moment there are two SIS files because Psion haven't correctly
allowed for files that can be used by more than one application and
removing the program may also remove the SYSRAM1.OPX even if this is
used by other programs. So installation of the OPX is done separately
to remove this problem.

The program gives you a choice of the various options on startup - on
choosing the appropriate one you will then have to fill in some other
details before the operation can commence. The least required
information is the drives to look on but the more complex options
require more information. If you prefer to use the keyboard rather
than the wand then the Capital letter on the button is the hotkey.
There is one exception to this rule - the Exit button is accessed with

If Large Files is selected then a chance to specify the size limit
over which files will be displayed is given and also an optional upper
size limit for display. The default limit is 10k but this could be set
to any required value and the upper limit is disabled.

If Find is selected then you will first have to select whether to find
a filename or to search within files for the string. At the moment
only typeable strings can be searched for and wild cards are inhibited
(but sub-strings will be found - e.g. "APP" will find any applications
and any files with "APP" in their name or extension).

You can then choose the drives to search or select a tree to look

The selected drives will then be searched and a display of the
matching files is shown. Files can be selected from this list using
Enter or Space and deletion will work from this selected list. It is
also possible to show a file in a Hex editor and, in the case of the
Duplicates option, compare two files and display their size etc. With
Large files it is possible to make a sort to display in reverse size
order (larger files at the top).

All these options are selectable from the Menu.

Files can be marked for deletion by highlighting them and pressing
<Space> or <Enter> (<Enter> will move down a line, <Space> will stay
on the same line). Files have to be marked before they can be deleted.

Wild cards are inhibited in Find at the moment, it is hoped to fix
this problem in a later version but, as mentioned above, this isn't
necessarily a problem.

Other programs can be included to be run by creating a \SYSTEM\JBSOFT
or \DOCUMENTS\TOOLS directory and placing OPO or APP programs within
this. The detected files will be shown is a File selector and a new
"Other" key will appear. Select the appropriate program and press
"Other" to run it.

It is possible to save the found list and also reload it. Once
reloaded you should be able to do most of the things you were able to
do before saving although this cannot be guaranteed as the lists are
treated identically apart from the Space list.

Release History
1.0     First public release
1.0.1   Now works with Geofox

John Boyce