CCC - otherwise known as the Critical Care Calculator v0.97 Unzip and place the 3 files - CCC.aif,, and ccctoolbar.mbm in C:\System\Apps\CCC BEWARE - some unzipping utilities may truncate the names of these files Enjoy and email me with any suggestions, bugs, and improvements. Look for updates at Version History 0.99 Decreased the minimum drug value in Infusions to 0.001mg Units/hr added to infusion choices Added Cardiac Index and SVRI to Cardiovascular Section 0.98 Added Conversions to Menu and Toolbar About Box changed to include Home Page 0.97 Base excess calc added to ABG dialog 0.96 Value entry of Urine Na fixed 0.95 Spelling corrections added age adjusted AA gradient determination of metabolic component of pH changed icon to improve appearance in Extras Bar added buttons to dialog boxes added electrolyte functions 0.91 Bug in display of MAP in fixed 0.9 Initial Release