Resistor Codes v1.0 (c) 1998 Gareth Clarke, Boffsoft INTRODUCTION I wrote this since I couldn't be bothered to look up a chart every time I looked at resistors and tried to figure what type it was. Yeah, I know, it's easy to remember 1k, 10k etc but it's just to save thinking! Oh, if there are any bugs, e-mail me. INSTALLATION Make a folder called ResCodes in your System/Apps folder. Copy Rescodes.aif Rescodes.opo into this folder. You'll find the app under the Extras bar. The icon was created using good ol' 3DS Max. DISCLAIMER First time at writing in OPL. Personally I prefer Delphi/Pascal and I just couldn't stop adding those semi-colons. Hard habit to kick. So if there are any problems, e-mail me at FREEWARE or SHAREWARE It's freeware. I would feel really guilty charging people for this! :-) Enjoy! G.