Sprite DEMO Created by Nik Van den Wijngaert, 1998 E-mail: Nik.VandenWijngaert@ping.be URL: http://www.ping.be/los Installation: just copy all the files in the ROOT of your c-drive (hey, what do you want, this isn't even an alpha-release! :)) Running: click sprite.exe BE SURE to have about 1 meg of free memory (clean-up should be ok if out of memory, but hasn't been tested carefully) Keys: - arrow keys: move left/right - 'l', 'r': move left right (timed) - 'Enter': stop timed move - 'h','s': hide/show sprite - 'Esc': EXit program Note: the timed mode might seem "shocky", this is due to timer settings (so speed can be improved upon). This is not a shortcoming of the engine, just a specified interval to demonstrate its features. Any illegal mucking about with this collection of bytes is....well...illegal... so don't! Please distribute this package as sprite1.zip, with all files intact.