
Oedipus is a program for crossword puzzle fans.  Crosswords can either
be downloaded from the Internet or typed in directly from other sources
such as newspapers.  With Oedipus on your Psion you can have a whole
library of crosswords at your fingertips.


Oedipus is installed using standard SIS files.  This requires PsiWin
2.1 or above.

You must install both Oedipus.SIS and Spell.SIS - the latter is the
spellcheck link from RMRSoft.  To install these, either double click
on the file in Windows Explorer or transfer the files to your Psion
and use Add/remove from the control panel.

As part of the installation you can choose to install a sample crossword
(OEDsample.oed) and/or the associated sample Import file (OEDsample.xbw).
If you install these they will be copied into c:\general.

Don't forget to install *both* oedipus.SIS *and* spell.SIS!


Oedipus is shareware; if you wish to continue using it you *must* register.
Registration costs GBP10 or USD20 - see the Help file for more details.
The unregistered version will only save the top half of a crossword!


- Maximum crossword size is 15x15
- Import is "delicate".  Any unexpected data will cause it to fail with
an unhelpful message.


This software is supplied "as is" and no guarantees
are offered or implied.  Use of this software is entirely
at your own risk and the author will not be liable for
any loss or damages resulting from any defect.

Use of this software is prohibited where the terms of
this disclaimer conflict with local law.


For the latest information on this and other programs, please visit: