ODYSSEY 2000 PRO pilot's logbook If the program is supplied on CF disk, place in drive slot You should have about 320k of Internal memory free in order to run ODYSSEY successfully. Read DISCLAIMER on last page To run ODYSSEY select the icon from the extras bar. Press (or tap sidebar menu icon) to display menu commands or use designated short-cut keys to start command from main screen. If you select a function unintentionally you can exit by pressing Getting Started Initially a default logbook called 'Log1' is created. Use 'Save as Shift+Ctrl+S' to change this to a name of your choice Use 'Preferences Ctrl+K' to change date and time format display. Use 'Format columns' to turn on/off columns or to edit their width 'Hide/Show Ctrl+C' 'Edit width Shift+Ctrl+C' N.B. You should aim to keep the columns as narrow as possible, as the wider they are - the more memory is required to display the view Overview of building a logbook (see full descriptions of menu commands below) ú Before any records can be added to the logbook, the details of at least one aircraft must be entered into the registration database 'Add registration Ctrl+Y' ú Use 'New entry Ctrl+A' to add a new record.This will automatically be placed in the correct chronological order according to the entered date ú Use 'Change view Ctrl+Q' to cycle through the views of the logbook. (or tap 'Logbook view' button) ú All (all records) ú Filtered (only those records that conform to the current filter as set in 'Set 'view' parameters>Filtered Ctrl+W') ú Recency (all records in the last X days as set in 'Set 'view' parameters>Recency Shift+Ctrl+W') ú Simulator (separate record of simulator time) ú Duty (all records in the last X days as set in 'Set 'view' parameters>Duty Ctrl+Z') ú Use 'Carry in totals Ctrl+B' to record hours accumulated from previous logbooks (these can be added to current logbook totals by setting in Preferences) ú Use 'Print Ctrl+P' to print out the current view as in the screen display (plus view totals) ú Use 'Backup Shift+Ctrl+B' to backup current logbook to a chosen folder/disk. Screen taps Tap anywhere on a record to highlight and make the current record Tap on a highlighted record to edit the record Tap on buttons within a presented dialog to make a selection Tap on 'Logbook view' box to cycle through logbook views Tap on sidebar menu button to display menu Tap on sidebar zoom buttons to zoom logbook view Tap above/below vertical slider bar and on buttons to change current record Tap above/below horizontal slider bar and on buttons to scroll the view left/right Tap on toolbar buttons to select associated functions Tap on clock to change clock display Tap on 'Last xx days' in 'Recency view' to display CAP371/FAR121/JAA quick totals The following describes the functions of the menu commands File Create new logbook... Ctrl+N Starts a new logbook after you enter a name in dialog Open logbook Ctrl+O Opens a saved logbook. Use cursor arrows to select name and disk in dialog. Printing... Using the print facility you can print the current view as it appears on the screen. (You should turn off columns that are not required and experiment with column & margin widths to get the best results from your printer) Print setup Shift+Ctrl+P Select suitable parameters for printer type, no. of pages etc. N.B. If you use the print facility via PSIWIN and your PC, then you must press system icon and turn ON remote link (Ctrl+L) then return to ODYSSEY to commence printing. (or turn link ON before running ODYSSEY) If you are printing direct from the PSION to a printer, then the remote link must be turned OFF or you will get a "connect printer" error message. Print Preview Shift+Ctrl+V To preview the logbook view before printing. Page setup may also be accessed from here. N.B. from main system menu ensure that 'No. of pages in view' in 'Control Panel Ctrl+S' is set to 1 Print Ctrl+P ...To start printing More... Save As Shift+Ctrl+S Use to rename and save the current logbook Export logbook Ctrl+X Saves the current logbook view as a delimited text file. Choose a character to delimit the fields (e.g. Tab) whatever character you use, ensure that it is not used anywhere in your log text This file can now be opened in 'Excel' or any other spreadsheet with text file import facilities. Import logbook Shift+Ctrl+I Imports a delimited text file from 'Excel' or other spreadsheet or program. The format must be the same as produced by Odyssey's 'Export' function. Use blank fields for any columns that have no data. Close Ctrl+E Closes and saves the program with current preferences Edit New entry Ctrl+A To add a new record (any columns that are turned off will not be prompted. If Depart-Arrive is turned off, flight time will be prompted instead of off/on blocks) Capacity format: P1 pilot in command [same as PIC] P1/s pilot in command under supervision P2 second in command or first officer [same as SIC] P/ut pilot under training [dual] set 'Splits' if you wish to log split capacity times within one record... also applies if some of the flight time is 'Bunk' time If you want the split of day/night time automatically calculated for a flight, check this feature in 'Preferences Ctrl+K' (only ICAO codes may be used as selected from the airport database - long sectors will take several seconds for the calculation to complete) The record will be auto sorted to appear in correct chronological order according to the entered date. [This command adds a simulator record if simulator view is the current view] [This command adds a duty record if duty view is the current view] When adding a duty record, use 'Reduction factor' to determine the worth of a duty period according to your company rules e.g. using '1' will record the complete period, '0.5' will halve the recorded duty period...your company may allow you to halve your duty hours if you are on standby, for example. If your duty period extends beyond 24hrs, tick the 'off duty past midnight' box and enter the finish date.(if the entered off duty time is earlier than the entered on duty time , ODYSSEY will sense this and automatically open the finish date dialog box) Edit entry Shift+Ctrl+E Use this function to edit any record of the current logbook. The edited record will be the current highlighted record [This function can also be launched by tapping on the currently highlighted record] Delete entry Ctrl+D Deletes the current highlighted record Find Ctrl+F Highlights the record that contains the entered text N.B. The search text can be any part of the searched for text and is not case sensitive. e.g. if the search text is 747 records with '747', 'B747', or '747-200' in any text field will all be found Find next Ctrl+J Highlights the next record containing the search text Goto date Ctrl+G Highlights the first record that has the nearest date to the one entered in dialog View Zoom in Ctrl+M Sets large font Zoom out Shift+Ctrl+M Sets small font Show toolbar Ctrl+T Toggles the toolbar on/off Switch view Ctrl+Q Cycles between logbook views Reports Totals Ctrl+H Shows logbook totals for some standard classifications Memorised filters Shift+Ctrl+O Displays a picklist of memorised filters as set up in Set 'view' parameters>Filter Ctrl+W The four most recent filters will be listed in the menu bar for quick launch Tools Preferences Ctrl+K Enter your preferred settings at the relevant prompts. These will now be stored until you re-edit them. (If the user-defined column (default:x-country) is turned on, you are able to change the column name to one of your choice) Format Columns Hide/show Ctrl+C Turns columns on/off (If Depart -Arrive is turned off, a flight time column will be substituted) Edit width Shift+Ctrl+C Sets the width of columns (set to zero to hide the column completely) Set 'view' parameters>Filter Ctrl+W Sets up the parameters that are used in 'Filtered' view Enter a start date and end date for the view You can restrict the filtered view to only those records that contain the particular data that you have entered into the parameter boxs. Any boxs left blank will not affect the filter e.g. setting Type to B737 Capacity to P1 will display only records between the defined dates where you have recorded P1 time on B737 aircraft (plus totals) Press Ctrl+P to define more parameters such as aircraft class (landplane, helicopter etc.) or single/multi etc. Press Ctrl+N to invoke a new filter Press Ctrl+K to set filter preferences: * Ignore start/end dates: start/end dates are ignored in filter ...this allows memorised filters to be updated automatically without having to reset the date parameters. (also applies if start and end dates are the same) * Case sensitive: set to make text fields included in filter only if their cases match. e.g. if the filter text is 'Smith' and the field text is 'SMITH' then the filter will ignore this record when 'Case sensitive ' is set For all text fields the the entered text must match the field exactly, (subject to the case sensitive parameter) with the execption of the remarks field... where the case must match but if the field contains more than the filter text , it will be included in the filter e.g. if the filter text is "ILS" and the field text is "2 ILS, go around" it will be included in the filter * Add all splits to total: if the filter contains split capacity records, setting this parameter will add the seperate capacity totals to the filter grand total. Set 'view' parameters>Recency Shift+Ctrl+W Sets the number of days to look back from today's date in 'Recency' view. Also, by setting the 'CAP371/FAR121 quick totals' parameters, the totals can be viewed in Recency view by tapping on the 'Last xx days' text Set 'view' parameters>Duty Ctrl+Z Sets the number of days to look back from today's date in 'Duty' view. Help on ODYSSEY Shift+Ctrl+H Invokes on-line help database file To return to ODYSSEY, use 'Go back Ctrl+B' If instead you close the Help file with 'Close Ctrl+E', then you must tap the icon in the extras bar to go back to ODYSSEY Special Carry in totals Ctrl+B Stores total hours & minutes recorded from your previous logbooks. If 'Add carry in hours to totals' is set in 'Preferences', these totals will be added to Totals dialog and 'All' view totals boxs Format: if entering hours and minutes use 0:00 if entering hours and decimals use 0.0 Medical Ctrl+U Stores details about your medical certificate. (When opening ODYSSEY a warning is given if the expiry date stored is within the prescribed period as set in 'Days before expiry dates (alarm)' from the 'Preferences' dialog) Licences Shift+Ctrl+U Stores details about your licences. (Alarm warning as above) Ratings Ctrl+I Stores details about your ratings. (Alarm warning as above) Backup Shift+Ctrl+B Backs up current logbook to a specified folder/drive Restore Shift+Ctrl+R Restores the selected logbook as the current logbook Database Add a registration Ctrl+Y Enters data of an aircraft into the registration database ( this data can be used to in 'Filtered view' to show only records that match the filter as set in 'Set 'view' parameters>Filter Ctrl+W') Edit a registration Shift+Ctrl+N Choose from picklist to edit details of an aircraft in the registration database Delete a registration Shift+Ctrl+J Choose from picklist to delete a registration. ( if a record exists that refers to this registration, it will not be possible to delete the registration until the record is deleted) List view Ctrl+V Lists all records in current registration database. Use up/down cursor keys to view pages. Use alphabet keys to jump to a section. Use Esc to exit Airport Database Shift+Ctrl+Y Use this function to add/edit/delete records from the Aiport database This database is used to automatically calculate the day/night time split of a record. (only available if Auto calc feature is checked in 'Preferences Ctrl+K') DISCLAIMER: Although every effort has been made to keep the code bug free, Navtech Software and C.R.Porteous accept NO liability for any loss of data, or any circumstance as a result of use of this software, or for any false information given, howsoever it may arise, be it user induced (wrong input = wrong output) , or due to an unknown program error giving erroneous results. Navtech Software 229 Devonshire Rd, London SE23 3NJ Phone/Fax +44 (0)208-2915475 E-Mail navtech@avnet.co.uk Internet Pages: www.avnet.co.uk/navtech Psion and the Psion Logo are registered trademarks and Psion Series 5 is a trademark of Psion PLC Psion Patents Pending: EP No.0419112 US No.07/582492 JP No.249925/90 Psion Patents: US No.5247657 Navtech Software acknowledges the registered trademarks of all other companies referred to in this manual