PsiBlocks ========= Version 2.3 - May 1999 Introduction ------------ This program, Shareware version 2.34 for the Series 5, Series 5mx, Series 7, Netbook and Revo, started off life as a personal project to write myself a game bassed on Tetrus on my 3c to learn OPL. It wasn't till some weeks after starting the project that I discovered the Psion sites on the Net: so what makes this version different? Try it and see for yourself! This is, I think, a very playable version of the game that makes use of many of the features of the new Psion 5, and shows what can be done without any special packages and working almost exclusively on the Psion for the development. Thanks must go to the Beta testers: Donna, Sarah, Mark and my dad: who spent many hours testing the high score system! Enhancements ------------ This version has been updated from version 1.21 for the Series 3c to add better control using the pen and to take advantage of the larger screen and faster processor. It is also designed to run on future machines where the processor speed will increase but the game play speed will remain the same. File Details ============ The zip file should contain the following files: READMEpsiblock.txt (this file) PsiBlock.SIS (instalation file for PsiBlock) Once installed. you will see the program consists of the following essential files: \System\Apps\PsiBlock\ (main file - required) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\PsiBlock.aif (main file - required) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Blocks.mbm (Graphic file - required) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\icons.mbm (Graphic file - required) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\pscape.mbm (Palmscape shared files - required) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\pscape.opo (Palmscape shared files - required) And the following optional files which can be deleted if you wish to save space: \System\Apps\PsiBlock\PsiBlock.hlp (Help file - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Down (sound file - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\High (sound file - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level (sound file - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Over (sound file - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Row (sound file - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_0.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_1.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_2.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_3.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_4.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_5.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_6.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_7.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_8.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_9.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_10.mbm (level back-drop - optional) \System\Apps\PsiBlock\Level_11.mbm (level back-drop - optional) INSTALLATION ------------ To install the program simply double-click PsiBlock.sis file to install all the required files. This will also install the PIQinfo.SIS file for the essential Pocket IQ common files and the SYSRAM1.SIS file to install the essential system files. You can also copy the SIS files directly to your Psion 5, 5mx, GeoFox, Series 7, NetBook or Revo and double select them to launch the install program. the "Install New Program" option in PSIWIN (EPOC Install). If you have the latest PSIWIN or EPOC Install then everything will happen automatically. If you don't have these then you need to get the installation file SETUP.EXE, which can be downloaded from Pocket IQ's Home Page or from RUNNING THE PROGRAM ------------------- Start the program by selecting the 'Extras' from the Application bar and then 'PsiBlock'. You are now ready to play! On-line help is provided and can be accessed from the menu or the Help key. However, I have also included the help details at the end of this file. Disclaimer ========== Though every effort has been made to test this program and to ensure that there are no bugs, however, Pocket IQ nor the author can accept any responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use or miss use of this program. Features ======== The objective of the game is to complete as many rows of blocks as possible by fitting the falling block into free spaces and thus preventing the wall from growing to the top of the screen preventing the next block from having sufficient space to appear in. Blocks can rotate and moved left or right to position then to fall into place. But BEWARE! The more rows you complete the faster the game becomes! Following default keys have been set up for the control of the game action: Left arrow - Move falling block left Right arrow - Move falling block right Up arrow - Rotate falling block clock-wise Down arrow - Drop falling block into place. The following parameters can be set to change the way the game is played: Player level: Beginner or advanced (registered version only), Game variation: PsiBlocks, PsiColumns (30 only if unregistered) or PsiChallenge (30 only if unregistered) Sound effects: on or off, Initial starting level: 1-11 (registered version only), Number of starting rows in the wall: 0-12 (registered version only), Next piece preview: On or Off, Drop mode: One touch or Hold Key, The selected game play keys. Player level ------------ The beginners setting gives 7 different shapes in PsiBlocks and 5 different shapes in PsiColumns and PsiChallenge. The advanced setting gives 10 different shapes in PsiBlocks and 7 different shapes in PsiColumns and PsiChallenge. Game Variations --------------- PsiBlocks - Complete rows to prevent the wall from growing too high. PsiColumns - Complete three or more adjacent identical shapes, diagonally, horizontally or vertically to prevent the wall from growing too high. PsiChallenge - Release the flashing block at the bottom of the screen by lining it up with two other like shapes. Drop Mode --------- One Touch - The block will fall as far as it can when the drop key is pressed. Hold Key- The block will fall fast only while the drop key is held down. Game Control Keys ----------------- The standard keys can be changed to allow comfortable game control for the individual (and prevent the keys becoming to worn!). Registration ============ To gain access to the high score track record, advanced game options and remove the Nag screens, you can register on line at Comments and Suggestions ======================== If you have any comments on the program or suggestions for improvments and additions then please e-mail me at: DAVID@POCKETIQ.COM. Though I may not be able to reply directly, your comments and suggestions will be taken into account. Continued development of this and other projects relies on your support and comment. Now have fun with this program! More information on Pocket IQ ============================= Pocket IQ are the market leaders in shareware development for the Palmtop community. We have a wide range of products available for your favourite PDA. For more information visit us online at or contact our office at: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1234 353970 David Steer