DataSel is a replacement for the Data program built in to most Epoc machines . To install DataSel simply double click on the SIS file , or copy the SIS file to your Psion and use the Add/Remove command in the control panel to add the program . DataSel is very simple to use ( I hope !! ) I shall list the commands in the order they appear on the menu and make a note of any unusual or hidden commands whose function is not immediately apparrent . When you start DataSel for the very first time , no database will exist , you will be asked if you would like to open an existing file or create a new one - as no existing files will exist ( yet ) you should select Create New and one will be automatically created and the display will show the first record in the file . This first record will be similar to :- Field1 This file is empty , press Ctrl+A to add new records Field2 or Ctrl+L to merge in records from an existing file Field3 Edit the titles using Ctrl+T Field4 Field5 Welcome to Dataselector for Epoc ! @ Mark Stevenson 2000 Field6 Read the readme file for more information After a merge has been done - if the First record is as above , it will be automatically removed from the file . Menu commands :- File Ctrl+O Open file , this allows you to open an existing DataSel file , you cannot open standard Epoc database files - see the merge command Ctrl+N Create New file , this enables you to create a new database file , when a file is created - the first record will be as shown above - this will be removed after a merge , if you simply want to add individual records add at least ONE new record BEFORE attempting to delete the default record Ctrl+L Merge , this enables existing Epoc databases to be merged into an existing DataSel file , if there are already records in the DataSel file the merged records will be added at the end of the existing ones , in the order they appear in the actual datbase file ( this may be different to the order they are DISPLAYED in the Epoc Data program ) , if the first record in the DataSel file is the default one ( This file is empty etc.. ) then this record will be automatically removed from the file . This saves you the effort of doing it manually - you didn't want to keep that record did you ? NOTE The database file you wish to merge in MUST contain at least 8 Text fields or an error will occur . Memo field are NOT text fields , nor are Date fields Number fields etc. In Data you can check on the type of labels by pressing Ctrl+L , highlighting each field and then selecting Edit and checking the 'Type' . If there are less than 8 text fields you should add as many as are required until there are 8 text fields . Assuming there are 8 text fields , any NON-TEXT fields will be ignored ( and not merged in ) . If you have an existing Data file you wish to use in DataSel which does not conform to these requirements , you can either convert it on the PC using Psion file convertor to a Series 3 file then use Palmtop Software 3Base to convert it to plain text file - in the format of :- 8 Fields per record Field de-limiter = Carriage return , Line feed ( CR,LF ) record de-limiter = Carriage return , Line feed ( CR,LF ) ( this method is highly recommended - 3Base is now freely downloadable from the Palmtop website ) Or to export the file as text from the Epoc Data program , create a new Epoc Data file , delete all the labels and add 8 new ones , with each field being set to text with a 250 character length then importing the text file created earlier . I have done this myself with excellent results on my Tv/Vcr fault databases which contain over 5000 entries . Ctrl+E Exit , exits the program , all current options are saved and the database file is compressed ( deleted entries removed etc. ) to save disk space . Ctrl+X Export as text , this exports the file as text . The export format is:- 8 Fields per record Field de-limiter = Carriage return , Line feed ( CR,LF ) record de-limiter = Carriage return , Line feed ( CR,LF ) This is compatible with Palmtop software 3Base file conversion program and most PC databases have a plain text CR,LF import utility ( Dbase etc. ) The file is normally sorted alphabetically before being exported , for databases which you do not want to be sorted alphabetically this can be overridden by using the hidden shortcut command of Ctrl+Fn+X , you can tell if the file is to be exported alphabetically ( or not ) as when you are asked for the exported files file name the dialog will display either Alphabetic Export as text or Non-Alphabetic Export as text . It is possible to sort the database using the alphabetic export and then importing the text file into a new datbase file . Shift+Ctrl+X Import text , this enables the import of plain text files into an existing DataSel database file . The text file format MUST be as files exported 8 Fields per record Field de-limiter = Carriage return , Line feed ( CR,LF ) record de-limiter = Carriage return , Line feed ( CR,LF ) again you can prepare a Series 3 database or other database using Palmtop Software 3Base or similar . No checks are performed that the file to be imported is in a valid form , the worst that can happen is that records run 'out of sequence' with any labels that might be entered - or the resulting records contain gibberish . If you are importing into an existing file , it might be sensible to back the file up BEFORE attempting an import . Navigate Fn+< First record , goes to the first record Fn+> Last record , goes to the last record . Ctrl+J ( or tap the screen in the status bar - on the left hand side , where the record position/count appears ) Jump to record , jump directly to a specific record number . Ctrl+F Find records , allows search of all records , records which match the search will be displayed along with a record count ( Record 3 of 344 ) . As this searches ALL 8 fields , a limit of 10 characters exists on this search , if more than 10 are entered it will be truncated to the first 10 . Shift+Ctrl+F Sql Search , the sql search gives more control over the search . It is possible to find records which match 2 criteria . The first search request is entered , along with the specific field to search and the type of search , if this is set to 'Contains' then the search request can be at any position in the relevant field ( 'mark' would find marked , hallmark , remarked etc ) if set to 'Equalls' then the entire contents of the relevant field must exactly ( apart from case ) 'Greater than' allows search for records greater than the search request COMPARED AS A STRING VALUE , using this on records which contain numbers AND punctuation or letters of the alphabet causes odd effects . 'Less than' works in the same way and has the same limitations as greater than . If you wish to perform a search on a second criteria set 'Second search' to 'And' - records must contain both search requests , 'Or' records can contain one , other or both search requests , 'None' - no second search is carried out . Ctrl+G ( or tap the screen in the status bar - on the right hand side , where the search request appears ) Quick search , allows a search for the next/previous record to be entered , after entering the search request press 'Enter' to search forward , or Ctrl+R to search backwards . All fields are searched . You might be interested that as this feature was copied in its entirety from the Series 3 version of the program it is possible to carry out a dual search by typing in the search request as follows :- mark and london mark and mablethorpe and ( records must contain both the items either side of the ' and ' - the spaces either side of the word and MUST exist - but are ignored ) mark or london mark or mablethorpe or ( records can contain either of the items either side of the ' or ' - the spaces either side of the word or MUST exist - but are ignored ) you can even type :- and mablethorpe or mark and london ( this example is effectively split as follows ) ( and mablethorpe) or (mark and london) records can optionally contain either of the two sets of bracketed requests . and mablethorpe or london ( Valid request ) ( this example is effectively split as follows ) ( and mablethorpe) or (london) records can optionally contain either of the two sets of bracketed requests . mablethorpe or and london ( Valid request ) (mablethorpe) or ( and london) mablethorpe and and london or mark ( INVALID request ) ((mablethorpe) and ( and london)) or (mark) unless you have an entry containing the phrase ' and london' the first half of this search is unlikely to return as true . if you wish to search for a phrase containing the word 'and' , either enter it with no trailing space ( 'dead and' or 'and burried' ) or use the Find records command instead . Esc Find all records , cancels any existing search and all records are valid . Ctrl+I Insta-Search options , the options set here are stored for each file you have opened on the Psion , the options are 'Field to search' ( any of the 8 fields or All fields ) 'Only search start of field' ( Yes or No ) if this is set to yes then the first characters in the field ( or fields ) must exactly match the search request ( 'mark' will match 'marked' , 'Mark' , 'Mark Stevenson' , 'MarkStevenson.nildram' but NOT '' , 'remarked' , 'He was a marked man' etc.) 'Always Start at first record' ( Yes or No ) if this is set to yes when a NEW Insta-Search request is entered , the search will start from record 1 . Note that the Insta-Search options affect the Quick search operation , apart from always start at first record . ********************************************************************************** An Insta-Search is initiated by just typing at the keyboard - simple as that . DataSel assumes if you do not press any control buttons ( Ctrl , Fn , Tab , Enter , Esc , Del , Menu etc. ) you want to enter an Insta-Search . If you pause typing an Insta-Search request for more than 2-3 seconds the search will start automatically you can alternatively press 'Enter' to skip the 2-3 second pause if you are in a rush If you make a mistake typing an Insta-Search request , pressing 'Esc' will cancel the Insta-Search operation . It is possible to enter a dual search request as outlined in the Quick search section as an Insta-Search command ( if you can type quickly enough !! ) Insta-Search searches WITHIN the current record set , this can be helpful in trying to narrow down the records you require . ************************************************************************************ Pressing 'Enter' will search for the next record which matches the search request displayed in the status bar , pressing Shift+'Enter' searches for the previous record which matches the search request . If no search request has been entered this will simply move to the next/previous record in the file . ******* Edit ( This menu can be displayed by Double tapping quickly in the main display window , the Delete Group and Edit Titles commands won't be shown if the menu is activated this way ) Ctrl+A Add record , adds a new record to the database , once the details have been entered press 'Enter' to save and a new empty record will be displayed ready for adding in , when you have finished adding records either press 'Esc' to close the Add dialog (and abandon any information currently entered in the dialog ) or press 'Enter' while an empty record is displayed . IE pressing 'Enter' twice in quick succession saves the first record then abandons the adding of further records without saving the 'empty' record . Ctrl+U Update Current record , allows updating of records . Press 'Enter' to save the changes or 'Esc' to close the dialog and abandon any changes NOT YET SAVED . Ctrl+K Edit New record , adds a new record , with the field values filled in using the current records field values , useful if you have a lot of similar records to enter . 'Enter' saves the record , 'Esc' abandons any changes made so far . The ORIGINAL record is left unchanged , the NEW record is saved at the end of the file . Ctrl+D Delete record , deletes the current record . Press 'Enter' to confirm deletion , 'Esc' to abandon the delete action . Shift+Ctrl+D Group Delete . Deletes the entire current group . BE CAREFUL !!! Shift+Ctrl+T Edit field titles , allows you to customise the field titles . NOTE . If you set any of the field titles to 'Date' ( NOT 'Date sold' or 'Sale date' etc.) when a record is added ( Ctrl+A ) or Edit new ( Ctrl+K ) the date field will be filled with the current date in the format dd/mm/yyyy - IE 27/06/2000 . View Ctrl+B Browser , Displays the records in a simple list style , press 'Enter' - close the browser and make the browsers current record the current record , 'Esc' close the browser , Ctrl+W alter the display widths . NOTE the browser is not yet working to my satisfaction , it is VERY slow if displaying the results of a search . I may remove it completely from later versions . Ctrl+T Show toolbar , shows or hides a toolbar . The setting of the toolbar is saved on a file to file basis , you could have one file which automatically has a toolbar on opening and another with no toolbar . Ctrl+W Word Wrap , turns the word wrap on or off . Word wrap is always turned on when the file is opened Ctrl+M Zoom im Shift+Ctrl+M Zoom out Help Shift+Ctrl+H Help . Shows the help file if installed . The help file can happily be deleted without problems . If it has been deleted , you won't see the help menu option . Shift+Ctrl+A About , displays a copyright notice and the version number . Shift+Ctrl+Y Debug , If you see this command you must have my Psion Revo !! Does nothing of use other than to slow the program down and print out values of critical variables at various points of the program . Helps me to see what is going on 'under the hood' while trying out various features and code re-writes . ************************************************************************************* The status bar doubles up as the scrollbar if a record is unable to be displayed in its entirety in the display window . When this is the case , the scroll up/down arrows will be displayed in the right corner of the status bar , tapping on the appropriate arrow will scroll in the direction indicated , you can also use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to the same effect . If the display has been scrolled - the Tab key returns the display to the usual position . ************************************************************************************* The left and right keys ( < , > ) move to the next/previous records as expected ************************************************************************************* While DataSel is not exactly 'Beta' software , it is not exactly finished either . I would welcome constructive comments regarding its operation . I can Honestly say that I use it daily and much prefer it to the Data program , but am still refining its operation . DataSel is freeware , I use it on my Revo reglarly and I have not suffered from any unusual growths, injuries or data loss as a result . I cannot promise that you won't either . Copyright Mark Stevenson 2000