NAVIGATE 4.02a CONTENTS 0. COPYRIGHT AND WARNINGS 1. INTRODUCTION TO NAVIGATE 2. INSTALLING NAVIGATE 3. SETTING UP NAVIGATE 4. REGISTRATION © Copyright Wizworld Services Ltd 1996-2001 All rights reserved. This manual and the programs referred to herein are the copyrighted works of Wizworld Services Ltd, London, England. Reproduction in whole or in part, including utilisation in machines capable of reproduction or retrieval, without the express written permission of the copyright holders is prohibited. Reverse engineering is also prohibited. Tidal data reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Navigate is protected by SafeOPL. © Richard Smedley 1997-1999. IQGrid OPM Copyright © 1999 - 2000 Damien Lewis and Pocket IQ ( XData © X.Soft The information in this document is subject to change without notice. WARNING: No National Hydrographic Office has verified the information in this product and none accept liability for the accuracy of reproduction or any modifications made thereafter. No National Hydrographic Office warrants that this product satisfies national or international regulations regarding the use of the appropriate products for navigation. NAVIGATE is used to augment conventional methods of navigation or for trip planning. It is not to be used as the sole or primary means of navigation. Prudent navigators use several methods and cross-checks. Note that this software is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind. Wizworld Services Ltd shall not be liable for any loss of data or damage arising from the use of this software. 1. INTRODUCTION TO NAVIGATE NAVIGATE is an integrated set of functions which automate many navigational and tidal calculations which can be time consuming and error prone if performed manually. It can be linked to a GPS to automatically receive position fixes and other information. NAVIGATE comprises the following functions: Passage navigation - calculates course to steer, ETA, speed made good, estimated position and distance to go. The calculations take account of course steered, leeway, tidal streams or currents, magnetic variation and deviation. Automatic updates can be provided via connection to a GPS or other NMEA device. Tidal predictions - draws a daily tidal curve for a port. Depth of water below the keel and depth to be expected on the echo sounder can be calculated for a given charted depth. For anchoring, a recommended scope is given for all-chain cable. Celestial navigation - calculates a position line and, optionally, a running fix from the Sun's observed altitude, GMT and estimated positions. Graphical position display - plots the current position and the track or bearing to the destination. Utilities - calculate the distance and bearing between two positions, convert bearings between degrees true, magnetic and compass and calculate the tidal stream at a particular position and time. GPS view - outputs position, speed, course and waypoint information from a connected GPS or other NMEA compatible device. Waypoints and routes can be transferred to and from most Garmin GPSs. 2. INSTALLING NAVIGATE Navigate requires: - a Psion with EPOC release 5 and about 1 Mbyte available; - optionally, a GPS with NMEA 0183, version 1.5 or above. Installation requires your Psion to be connected to a PC. This requires Psion's PC cable, PsiWin software and unzip. Important: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Navigate read Upgrade.txt now. (This file is available to registered users only). (a) Unzip the contents of the Navigate zip file on to your PC's hard drive. (b) Make sure the Psion is turned on and connected to the PC. You should have PsiWin installed on your PC. (c) In Windows Explorer double click on Navigate.sis. This runs the PsiWin installation program that installs Navigate directly onto your Psion. Alternatively, copy Navigate.sis to your Psion and select the 'Add new' option from 'Add/remove' on the 'Control Panel'. N.B. Navigate runs faster if installed on the C disk rather than on a CF disk in the D drive. Psion 7 users: N.B. Installing the SIS file directly from a PC may result in the installation program appearing to hang (message: "Checking dependencies"). This is a known problem with the Psion 7. If this happens copy the SIS file to the Psion and then install. 3. SETTING UP NAVIGATE Navigate should be set up for your home cruising area and boat. Important: Check to make sure that your home city and daylight saving time options (set by the Psion 'Time' application) correspond to your cruising area. These are used by Navigate for tidal calculations. (a) On your Psion select 'Extras' and then the 'Navigate' icon. Navigate starts up, displaying the 'Normal' view. (b) Select the 'Preferences' option from the 'Setup' menu, and set 'Output in degrees' to either 'Compass', 'Magnetic' or 'True'. This controls whether bearings are displayed in degrees compass, magnetic or true. Press 'Enter'. (c) Select the 'Sextant' option from the 'Setup' menu, and set the 'Index Error (')' for your sextant. Index error is set in minutes. Set 'Index Error is' to either 'Off arc' or 'On arc'. Set 'Height (metres)' to the height above sea level for place on your boat where you normally take a sight. Press 'Enter'. (d) Select the 'Vessel' option from the 'Setup' menu, and set your 'Home port'. (e) Set 'Draft (m)' for your boat. Set 'Transducer depth (m)' to the depth of your echo sounder transducer below the waterline. However, if your echo sounder is set to read from the waterline then set this to zero. Set 'Length overall (m)' for your boat. Set the anchor 'Chain link diameter (mm)'. Press 'Enter'. (f) The last option on the 'Setup' menu shows either 'Currents' or 'Tidal Streams'. Selecting the option and pressing 'Enter' switches between the two settings. When the option shows 'Tidal Streams' then highlighting it and pressing 'Enter' switches to 'Currents' and configures Navigate to use set & drift from its ocean currents database. When the option shows 'Currents' then highlighting it and pressing 'Enter' switches to 'Tidal Streams' and configures Navigate to use tidal stream information from its database. For passages around the UK, tidal streams should be used using data taken from Admiralty charts (see section "Adding more data"). For passages where there are no tidal stream diamonds available from the charts, e.g. ocean passages, then currents should be used. In both cases a correction value can be entered using 'Set correction (degrees)' and 'Drift correction (knots)' from the 'Preferences' option on the 'Setup' menu. For example, this can be used where the observed set or drift is different from Navigate's database. Important: The set and drift corrections are applied to all tidal stream and current calculations so must be reset when no longer required. Navigate holds details of your vessel's compass deviation card: (a) Select 'New data' from the 'File' menu and select 'Compass'. Press 'Enter'. The Psion Data application is used to open the database containing your vessel's compass deviation card. (b) The database contains eight entries from 0° to 315°, in steps of 45°. Update the entries as necessary and exit the Data application. (c) You are prompted to confirm the update. Press 'Y'. (d) A message is displayed briefly in the bottom right hand corner of the screen confirming that the new compass deviation card has been updated. 4. REGISTRATION If you continue to use NAVIGATE you must register. The standard distribution does not come with the comprehensive manual or data set, particularly: (a) The standard distribution has no database of magnetic variation values so the display is defaulted to degrees true. (b) The standard distribution has no database of ocean current values. (c) No source database files are supplied so the default dataset cannot be modified. Registered users receive: - Worldwide magnetic variation database; - Worldwide ocean currents database; - Graphical outlines for the English Channel, NW France, Channel Islands, Thames Estuary and southern North Sea; - Tide information for most British ports; - Tidal stream data for many areas in the west of the English Channel; - Waypoints for the west of the English Channel and west Brittany; - The source datafiles to allow the addition and modification of tidal data, waypoints, routes and outlines. - Access to a registered users Web page containing data (outlines and waypoints) for Iberia, North Atlantic (including islands) and Caribbean. Maintenance releases of Navigate are available from this page. The manual fully describes all functions including how to add more ports, tidal streams, outlines, waypoints & routes and connection to a GPS. An upgrade is available for existing registered users of previous versions. Payment using a credit card is accepted via the RegNet service (US$65, about 46 UK pounds). The product id is 2470. The upgrade (id 7481) is US$25 (about 15 UK pounds). RegNet can be reached by the following means: World Wide Web: USA phone number: 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) International number: +1 (719) 576 0123 Fax: +1 (661) 288-1867 For any further information: F: +44 (0)870 127 7831 E: