Welcome to 'Link' - a link 'toggler' for your EPOC machine. What is 'Link'? 'Link' is a small application - or app(let)s perhaps - that allows you to control your remote link from the Extras Bar of your machine. It is designed to be 'minimalist' in operation but intelligent in use. Here's what 'Link' does when selected from the Extras bar:- • Checks to see if machine's remote link is open or closed • If open, it closes it; if closed it opens it • Displays a small message in the bottom right hand side of the screen saying what the new status is • If being run for the first time, displays 2 small 'About' screens. These are not subsequently shown when the program is run again. • Changes the icon in the Extras bar to show the link's current status - i.e. open or closed • Quits Why was it written? Especially since there are a number of similar app(let)s already available that do this...? Well basically because none of the similar programs already around did exactly what I wanted. I.e. very minimalist in operation but intelligent enough to check your machine's status before doing anything (as opposed to just trying to 'remember' it from the last time they were run...). Since I wanted it enough to write it for my own use, I figured that others might find it useful too. 'Link' is designed to work at two levels. For the first time user, it's simple and intuitive in operation (with icons and name to suit) and gives feedback both on the screen and via the Extras bar. For the power user, it's ideally suited for calling from a macro program (such as Macro5, Extrabars, etc.). For example, I have 'Link' set up so that it's called using Ctrl+Fn+L and toggles the remote link from any program whatsoever that's running... Note: The 'Link' icon in the Extras bar will only change when this program is used to control the sound. If Ctrl+L is used in the System screen the icon will not change until 'Link' is used again. Compatibility 'Link' should work on any EPOC machine. If not, please let me know! Standard disclaimer Whilst I have tested 'Link' carefully, I cannot and do not give - or imply - any sort of warranty with it. I.e. use at your own risk. Updates Any updates will be via the Pscience5 and FreEPOC web sites at: http://www.pscience5.net and http://www.freepoc.de Best regards, Martin Guthrie, September 2000 (martin@freepoc.de) Free Yourself... Free Your Palmtop... FreEPOC.