CrOsborne Countdown Timer Psion 5 version

v5.1b October 1999

Registration costs �10UK (ten pounds) in cash (no cheques) to
	Roger Creagh-Osborne,
	Colloggett Cottage,
	Landulph, Saltash,
	Cornwall, PL12 6ND, UK

Check for latest version and alternative registration details at:

Registered version is not disabled three days a month
Installation instructions:

CTIMER5.ZIP is an archive file containing two files:

   CTIMER.SIS - the Psion installation file
   RDMETM5.TXT - these instructions.

Use WinZip and PsiWin (or whatever other means you normally use) to extract
the files an run the Exchange.sis file to install onto your Psion.

Operation of the program should be self evident; if in doubt refer to
the help file. The program has only been extensively tested on an 8Mb Psion 5
 - there are almost certainly undiscovered bugs and problems - if you
are first to find and report one I'll try and fix it and get a new version
to you.

No warranty is given or implied - you should always back up your data
regularly, use of the program is entirely at your own risk.

     (I use it regularly on my Psion without problems).


Text version of the help file:

Countdown Timer
Quick Keys
[Space]  -  Toggle Hold

[Tab] or [Home]  -  Restart clock with same duration
[Enter] or [End]  -  Jump to end, carry on counting
[Esc]  -  Stop and reset
[Left] / [Right]  -  +/- 10 seconds"
[Up] / [Down]  -  +/- minutes"
[PgUp] / [PgDn]  -  +/- 10 minutes"
PsiJ  -  Jump to specific time elapsed or remaining
PsiW or Psi[Space] -  Jump to next waypoint
PsiX  -  Exit programme

Setting Duration and Warnings
Set the total duration between 24:00:00 and 00:01:00
in Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
There is an option for audible warnings (an ascending
set of tones) every 10 seconds during the last minute,
and also for a final audible alarm. The sound for the
alarm can be selected from the built in Fanfare, Chimes
or Bell, or any other sound file you have recorded.

Setting Waypoints
You can set up to three intermediate waypoints.
Note that you have to enter the elapsed time, not the
time remaining when defining the waypoints.
Set any unwanted waypoints to 00:00:00
There is an option in the setup dialog to cause the
countdown to automatically hold when a waypoint is
reached - countine by pressing [Space]
Waypoints will be marked on the screen and by an
optional audible warning.
If Timer is running in the background it will continue
to count down and will come to the foreground when a
waypoint is reached.

Holding and Jumping
The countdown is started by pressing the Space Bar.
Once running Space can be used to toggle hold mode.
If waypoints have been set Psi+W or Psi+Space will jump
forward to the next waypoint.
You can also jump to a specific time using PsiJ and
entering either an elapsed or remaining time to jump to.
Note that whilst a Menu or Dialog is displayed the count
is held.
Timer will continue to run in the background whilst
another program is in use.
Once the final time is reached and any alarm has been
played, timer continues to count until a key is pressed
Advancing & Retarding
Using the arrow keys the time can be advanced or retarded
in 10 second, 1 minute, or 10 minute intervals.
[Left] / [Right]  -  +/- 10 seconds"
[Up] / [Down]  -  +/- minutes"
[PgUp] / [PgDn]  -  +/- 10 minutes"
[Home]  -  back to begining
[End] - on to end !

Pressing [Enter] will jump to the finish but carry on
counting until another key is pressed.
Once the end is reached pressing any key will allow you
to reset the countdown details.
Pressing [Tab] at any time jumps back to the start with
the same setings and waits for you to press [Space] to
start the countdown.
Pressing [Home] (Psi+Left) will restart immediately from
the begining.
Pressing [Esc] at any time will jump to the Set Duration
dialog for a fresh start.

Preferences File
Entering a valid registration code creates a file
CTIMER.INI in the APP directory
If CTIMER.INI is corrupted or deleted the
registration details will have to be re-entered.

Please keep a note of your registration name and key.

About Countdown Timer
CrOsborne Countdown Timer for the Psion 5 (EPOC32) is 
copyright (c) Roger Creagh-Osborne,1998.
Countdown Timer is Shareware for individual use, 
registration costs �10UK or $20US.
Current version is 5.1b dated October 1999
For latest version check
Multiple licence enqires welcome, contact by eMail:

You can register CrOsborne Currency Exchange
online by credit card through  RegNet 
Alternatively send �10 (Ten pounds UK) cash or 
money order payable to: Roger Creagh-Osborne
at Colloggett Cottage, Landulph,
Saltash,  Cornwall, PL12 6ND, UK.
Specify your Psion username to be displayed on screen.
Registration key can be returned by email or post -
please include your return address.

Author & Programme
Roger Creagh-Osborne, CrOsborne Systems, Cornwall.
Timer was written in OPL for the Psion 3a, it should
also work on Psion 3c. A Psion5 version is in preparation.
The OPA file has been treated with RevMeNot by Andrew Lord
If you would like an copy of the source code please 
contact me by eMail.